Marine Resource Camp

We will be offering Marine Science Camp the week of June 9, 2025 and the week of July 7, 2025.  Talk with your County Extension office to register.


Contact for Camp Reservations

Contact for Camp Reservations

Your primary contact for camp is your County Extension Office.

Classes & Activities

Classes & Activities

Below is a short description of the different activities that your campers will be taking part in during their week at camp.  It is very important that you and the other adults with your group attend the activities.  This is foremost for the health, safety and welfare of the campers.  If a camper should be injured or need to take a ‘time out’, we need the agents and leaders assigned to help us out.  Here are a few things to know about each class.

  • Beach Ecology
    Campers will be able to discover a unique and biologically diverse habitat.  Class begins at the center with about 20 minutes of discussion to set the stage for the beach walk.  Campers then spend the bulk of activity time in guided exploration of the beach while searching for shells and shark’s teeth. Swimming is prohibited during this class.


  • Marsh Cruise and Trawl
    Take a boat ride for about 75 minutes through a Georgia tidal marsh on board a pontoon boat guided by a professional captain and expert in marsh ecology.  Watch for dolphins and the many different birds and other animals that live in the marshes along our coast.  Before the trip is through the captain will deploy a small trawl net and collect an unknown assortment of fish, invertebrates, and who knows what else that calls the tidal creek home.  The boat Captain and your counselor will provide campers with as many answers as possible about what the net brings up from the bottom of the creek.


  • Tybee Time  
    Spend some time in small groups walking through Tybee’s shopping district looking for that perfect souvenir to remember your trip by while eating some fresh ice cream.  Wander out onto the pier to get a unique look back at the island, or see what the fisher-folks are catching.  Spend some time in the Tybee Island Marine Science Center aquariums and displays getting to know a bit about some of the exotic animals that live off the Georgia coast.


  • Crabs and Critters
    Campers will have the opportunity to see and handle a variety of native and nonnative animals ranging from blue crabs to corn snakes. This is a perfect opportunity for campers to learn about the life history of many Georgia animals, understand their role in the nature.  Through touching and handling of animals, and seeing how 4-H center staff care for these animals, campers can develop a greater appreciation of taking care of animals in the wild and in their own homes.


  • Shark Dissection
    Work with a few good friends to dissect a shark, learn about its parts, its habits and the role it plays in its natural environment.


  • Talent Show
    The traditional 4-H entertainment show!  Bring your guitar, skit idea, singing voice, and sense of humor for an evening showcasing all the talent you can bring with you.  Be prepared to participate in an evening of fun provided by 120 of your new best friends.


  • Swimming
    All swimming is done in the ocean.  The Tybee Island lifeguard and lead counselor will make the final decisions on swimming time if potentially dangerous water conditions exist.  Eight agents and/or leaders (minimum) are needed in the water at all times.  These leaders/agents along with summer camp counselors form a box within which all of the campers swim.  The Burton 4-H Center will provide beach shirts for all adults and children.  You MUST wear a beach shirt to go to the beach with us.


All transportation to the center must be provided by the county.

While at Burton, all transportation for all activities off the property will be provided by the Burton 4-H Center.

Rules & Regulations

Rules & Regulations

The following will be covered during the camper orientation held upon arrival.  Acquaint your campers with these rules and regulations before your trip and it will help make a smooth week at camp.

  • Listen to counselors and adults.  A raised hand indicates that it is time to listen.
  • Shoes, wet or dry, must be worn at all times.  The only exception is the volleyball court. Please, no flip flops outside of the dorms
  • Do not leave money in the dormitories.
  • No running or climbing on the A-Frame roof.
  • No students allowed on dock, trail, or marsh boardwalk without an adult.
  • No food or drink in dormitories.
  • Rinse off the mud and sand outside at the hoses.  Wet shoes can stay outside.
  • Quiet hours are from 10:00 p.m. until 7:00 a.m.
  • Collect only empty shells.  Shells are to be rinsed off outside, not in the sink.  Do not collect live sand dollar or sea urchins.
  • Campers are responsible for cleaning their dormitories before departure.  Cleanup is supervised by the adults and agents in that dorm.
  • No camper is to leave the Camp property without an adult.
  • Put trash and recyclables in appropriate containers.

4-H Summer Camp Dress Code

The official Georgia 4-H Summer Camp dress code can be found on the Georgia 4-H Summer Camp webpage or by clicking here.

The Burton 4-H Center wants to keep your child safe and our grounds maintained. Your assistance with these rules is greatly appreciated.

What to Bring

What to Bring

Note: Everything should be marked with the child’s name with a waterproof marker. Do not bring jewelry or other items of value.

  • Waterproof Sunscreen!
  • Linens (mattresses are twin extra long!), blankets or sleeping bag (linens are NOT provided at camp)
  • Pillow
  • Daily change of clothes and underwear (shorts, tee shirts, etc.  Pack clothes that can get dirty and sandy!)
  • Shoes and Socks (Bring at least 2 pairs—one that can get wet and muddy)
  • Sport sandals (any sandals MUST have a heel backstrap)
  • Towels (wash cloth, shower towels and beach/pool towels)
  • Soap, toothpaste, toothbrush and other toiletries, shower shoes
  • Bathing suits, please make sure these are one piece or tankini suits that are both modest and appropriate.  Everyone will wear a Burton swim shirt during beach time.
  • Rain jacket
  • Sunglasses and/or hat
  • Money for canteen (Bring change for soda machine!)
  • Plastic garbage bag for wet clothes
  • Insect repellent
  • Money for lunch for bus trip to and from camp as needed.  Please contact your county office for this information.
  • Shower shoes for wearing in bathroom and showers.

Optional Items

  • Day Pack
  • Flip flops will be allowed only in dorm.
  • Water bottle
  • Cell phone
  • Camera, film (use of disposables is recommended, mark your full name on camera)
  • Pen, paper, stamps
  • Old tennis shoes or knee boots (wellies) for walking in marsh or forest.
    ** All items should be marked with the child’s name on the inside of clothing **

Do Not Bring

  • Knives
  • Radios, video games, portable speakers
  • Shaving cream
  • Fireworks
  • Chewing gum
  • Excessive amount of cash or items of great value (emotional or monetary)

Clothing guidelines

  • No clothing should be worn that violates the Code of Conduct.
  • Underwear should be worn at all times and should not be visible.
  • Camp is rough on clothes—bring only clothes that are okay to get wet or muddy.
  • Bring extra socks and underwear—you always need them!

4-H Statement

4-H Statement

4-H’ers are to leave portable speakers, computers, televisions, and video games at home unless authorized by and used under direct supervision of the member’s leader. 4-H’ers should be discouraged from bringing cell phones. No programs are to be disturbed or interrupted with personal electronic equipment. 4-H’ers are not allowed to bring skates, roller blades, bicycles, laser lights or other personal items that would make safety an issue. Safety and damage/loss of expensive items are the concern.

Burton 4-H Center
9 Lewis Avenue
Tybee Island, GA 31328
Phone: (912) 786-5534
Fax: (912) 786-9814
Burton 4-H on Facebook