Activity Resources for Youth
- General Resources
- STEM Resources
- Environmental Education Resources
- Agriculture Resources
- Dairy Resources
- Equine Resources
- Livestock Educational Resources
- Livestock Judging Resources
- Livestock Virtual Shows
- Healthy Living Resources
- Civic Engagement Resources
- Local Resources
Georgia Public Broadcast Virtual Field Trips: GPB is traveling all over Georgia to bring our state’s rich history and culture to teachers and students. The field trips align with the Georgia Standards of Excellence (GSE) for social studies, as well as the content from GPB’s Georgia Studies digital textbook and Georgia Race Through Time game. You can access the iPad version by downloading the free GPB Education app on iTunes. Each field trip brings locations to life with interviews, 360-degree panoramic photography, interactive elements, videos, and user guide.
GPB and the Georgia Forestry Foundation have also partnered on a virtual learning journey for Georgia’s forests. You can take your students on an interactive journey through the working forests of Georgia to learn about forest ecosystems, food webs, and life cycles, as well as forestry management processes, career opportunities, and much more. Learn more at
The Ron Clark Academy: Online teaching tips, Self-care for educators, creative tools, and innovation online.
National 4-H Council – National Youth Science Day: Since 2008, National 4-H Council encourages youth to complete the National Youth Science Day challenge each fall. Past challenges including supply lists, instructions, and youth and facilitator guides are available for download. Depending on the challenge, some supplies are easy to obtain, while others may be more difficult.
Scientific American – Bring Science Home: Scientific American is the oldest continually published magazine in the US. In addition to videos, podcasts, and blogs, the “Bring Science Home” online section contains science activities for youth ages 6-12 that require few supplies and be completed in 30 minutes.
Design Squad: Design Squad Global by PBS Kids is an online program for middle school students to solve problems by using the engineering design process. Each week, the website is updated with challenges, videos, and activities.
NOVA Education: NOVA Education supports STEM education and engagement nationwide through the creation of resources from NOVA’s broadcast and digital productions.
Berkeley Understanding Science: Learn how science really works through this collection of lessons, articles, tutorials and interactive features.
Carleton College Science Education Resource Center: We’ve scoured dozens of educational project websites hosted by SERC to find the activities and resources of highest interest to K-12 educators. On this site, there are hundreds of classroom activities organized by grade level and topic as well as guidance on effective teaching. Many of these resources were expressly developed with a K-12 audience in mind. Others can be adapted to K-12 classrooms even though they were originally developed with a college audience in mind. Here, you will find hundreds of lessons, activities, lab investigations, and field trip ideas on a wide range of topics to use in class.
Atlanta Science Festival: Starting Monday, March 23, post a video, image, or story of how you are learning/doing science at home using #AtHomeSciFest and tagging @ATLSciFest on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Steam Powered Family: Virtual Dissections Lab. Dissections. Does the word make you cringe? Feel a little sick to your stomach? Fill you with dread? For many reasons dissections can cause concerns for educators, but they are a very important part of a child’s education. Understanding how things work from the inside, is vital to developing a strong understanding of biology, physiology and anatomy. Thankfully there are many solutions available. So save yourself the mess and the stress in your lessons and labs with these options for virtual dissections.
Boonshoft Museum of Discovery: The Boonshoft Museum of Discovery in Dayton, OH offers interactive science activities for families of all ages each day. Program downloads, archived videos, and life daily events all being offered free of charge.
The James Dyson Foundation Challenges: The engineers at Dyson created 22 science and 22 engineering challenges for youth ages 7+. Each challenge contains a short description, steps, and an explanation about how it works:
NASA – GLOBE Observer: NASA’s Global Learning and Observations to Benefit the Environment (GLOBE) Observer program allows participants to contribute data to civic science projects about clouds, mosquito habitats, land cover, and trees. After downloading the free app, participants observe natural settings and share their findings with NASA scientists.
Extreme Event: Extreme Event is a role-playing game that teaches about community resilience during natural disasters (flood, hurricane, or earthquake). The kits were developed by the National Academy of Sciences’ Koshland Science Museum (now called LabX).
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Resources: The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) has published a wide variety of educational materials about oceans & coasts, weather & atmosphere, climate, marine life, freshwater, and elementary science. They also have data sources for teachers and special topics of interest:
The Georgia Aquarium: You may be stuck inside for the next couple of weeks, but that doesn’t mean you can’t explore the outside world virtually. You definitely don’t have to miss out on one of Atlanta’s most popular hangouts. Georgia Aquarium has live cameras streaming so you can observe the marine life from the comfort and safety of your own home.
UGA Marine Extension & Georgia SeaGrant: UGA Marine Extension & Georgia SeaGrant offers a variety of free, researched-based activities and curricula related to marine science education.
Parts of A Leaf Activity Guide: Leaves are all around us! Follow this guide as you create leaf rubbings and learn to identify all the parts of a leaf.
Leaf Scavenger Hunt: Get outside and observe the trees around you! Use this scavenger hunt guide to find all the different ways to classify leaves.
Nature’s Colors Activity Guide: Nature is filled with colors! Challenge yourself by trying to discover all the colors you can find in the great outdoors.
Computer Gaming Activity Guide: Computer games can offer great simulations for youth to experience and offer numerous cognitive benefits. Here is a list of various online computer game simulations that could be promoted to youth in your communities. Each resource contains the hyperlink, a brief description, recommended grades, any fees associated with the program (some fees are waived during this time), and if teacher/educator resources are available. They are also sorted by content area.
Computer Gaming Activity Guide
Dish Garden Activity Guide: A dish garden is a garden of small plants that grow together in a shallow dish/bowl. The plants used in a dish garden generally stay small, grow at slow rates and should be compatible with each other.
Dish Garden Activity Guide
Air Plants Activity Guide: Epiphytes (pronounced ep-uh-fight) are a group of plants known as air plants. Tillandsias is the scientific genus of this special group of plants. Air plants grow upon other plants or objects for physical support. While they have roots, they do not use those roots to get nutrients from the soil.
Air Plants Activity Guide
Terrarium Activity Guide: A terrarium is a collection of small, decorative plants growing in an enclosed environment. Terrarium containers are typically transparent and provide an opening big enough to allow the gardener to access the plants inside. Because the container is enclosed, moister becomes trapped inside.
Terrarium Activity Guide
Seed Starter Activity Guide: Growing plants from seeds can be a fun and rewarding experience! Many times, gardeners begin their seeds in small containers before transplanting the seeds into larger pots.
Seed Starter Activity Guide
Looking at Logs Activity Guide: A fallen log in the forest may seem boring, but take a closer look! When plants die, their nutrients are recycled back into the environment. This process is known as decomposition. Organisms such as fungi, bacteria, and insects all help with decomposition.
Looking at Logs Activity Guide
Creative Creatures: Most animal species have developed some sort of natural camouflage that helps them survive. Sometimes camouflage allows the animal to be a better predator, hiding from its prey. Other times, it helps the animal not become prey for a predator.
Creative Creatures
Nature Observations Activity Guide: Senses can easily be used to observe nature! While sight is probably the most common sense used to learn about the natural world, people can also smell, touch, and listen to the natural world. Through this activity, youth will get the opportunity to use these senses in an outdoor setting.
Nature Observations Activity Guide
Dig It Activity Guide: Have you ever taken time to look at see what’s in the soil? Soil is composed of minerals (45%), water (25%), air (25%), and organic matter (5%). Taking time to see what is in soil sharpens observation skills and builds a greater appreciation for natural resources.
Dig It Activity Guide
Virtual Field Trips: Georgia Public Broadcasting and the Georgia Forestry Foundation partnered to create a virtual learning journey for Georgia’s forests. Complete an interactive journey through the working forests of Georgia to learn about forest ecosystems, food webs, and life cycles, as well as forestry management processes, career opportunities, and much more. Check out the “teacher resources” tab for vocabulary words, worksheets, STEM challenges, etc.
Forestry 4 Future: This site contains general forestry statistics and information as well as PDF activities and resources.
Weekly E-mails: The Georgia Forestry Foundation, Georgia Forestry Commission, Georgia Project Learning Tree, and the Chattahoochee Nature Center are partnering together to provide weekly forestry and environmental education emails to parents, caregivers, and educators. These resources include interactive learning modules, videos and activity sheets for all ages. Sign up for these emails at
Ag in the Classroom: Agriculture is Georgia’s largest industry. It is an important component of the state’s economy and provides one in seven jobs in agriculturally related fields. However, less than 2% of the population actually lives on the farm and few people have any knowledge of how the food and fiber system works to provide us with food, clothing and shelter. The purpose of the Georgia Agriculture in the Classroom is to increase agricultural literacy among children and the general public. It provides tools for more effective teaching about agriculture and its role in an interdependent society, and to assist Georgia ’s educators in implementing the instruction of agriculture-related concepts in the classroom. This mission is achieved through the activities of county Farm Bureau volunteers in their local communities and through teacher training courses held throughout the state.
Farm Credit Knowledge Center: Welcome to the Educator Resources section of the Knowledge Center. As a networking agent, it is our goal to help share information about agriculture with a wide variety of audiences. We will be posting lesson plan ideas, teaching tools and other resources here to help formal and non-formal educators share the agricultural story with children, youth, and adults in a variety of ways!
Riverview, LLP: Riverview, LLP is a diversified agribusiness with farms in Arizona, Minnesota, Nebraska, New Mexico and South Dakota. Our large-scale, dairy farms, calf ranches, beef feedlots and cow/calf operations utilize state-of-the-art technology to produce high-quality products, ensure animal health and comfort, and enhance the productivity of the land. Adding value to our communities and being a good neighbor is also very important to us. Every decision is guided by our five core values (integrity, candor, spirit of humility, strong work ethic, keep it simple).
Big Sandy Creek Dairy on Facebook: Stuck at home?! Wanna know more about dairy? Send us your questions and interests topics and we’ll be happy to help educate others about dairy from our farm to your home!
Virtual Dairy Farm Tours When You are Stuck at Home: Stuck at home with the kids for a while? Need some activities to keep them active? Look no further! Last year, we hosted virtual farm tours for students to watch in their classrooms. But, those can be viewed on YouTube now! For kids aged 4 to 9, watch our tour from Dutch Hollow Farm. Kids aged 10-13 will enjoy our virtual tour from Will-O-Crest Farm. High school kids can enjoy our tour from JoBo Holsteins Farm.
Basic Riding Exercises: Dr. Neely Walker, LSU Equine Extension Specialist offers several great YouTube videos of basic riding exercises to help develop balance and independent seat.
Equine Dental Care: Dr. Charles McCauley ad Dr. Neely Walker discuss the importance of Equine Dental Care.
My Horse University: Join us at the MHU Lunch Chat on designated days to discuss various topics with most day followed by a chat Q&A session. To join, download the (FREE!) Zoom app on your smart device or computer. Once downloaded, your just one click away from joining our video chat:, Meeting ID: 699 320 091. You can also join us on Facebook LIVE by way of the My Horse University Facebook Page or circle back later to watch the video!
Safely Loading and Unloading Your Horse: Tyler Braud-LSU Instructor/4-H Livestock Specialist
Horse owners are constantly trailering their horses to attend horse shows, rodeos, trail rides, vet appointments, etc. Learn the proper and safe way to load and unload your horse from a trailer.
A Beginner’s Guide to Showmanship:
Cattle Ear Tattoo Instructional Aid, Beef Tips ‘n Advice: Brought to you by the UGA Beef Team. Jason Duggin, UGA Beef Extension Specialist
Livestock Photography Handbook: Dust your cameras off and sharpen those livestock photography skills with our Livestock Photography Handbook!
This 32-page guide is designed as a basic resource for farmers and ranchers wishing to take photos of their cattle! It includes information on equipment, terminology, picture pen setup, staff requirements, candid show photography, posing livestock and more. It is designed for those who wish to “DIY” their livestock photography for cattle sales and on-farm photos.
Download yours today:
Show-Rite Webinars:
Check out the Stock Show Classroom with recorded webinars for all species.
Sullivan Supply: Have you checked out Season 1 and 2 of Stock Show University Online? You can now steam stock show education right from the comfort of your couch or show barn. Sure Champ spends a great deal of time and resources dedicated to content geared promoting the #stockshowlife – some of it fun and lifestyle-based, some inspirational and much of it educational. We want our followers to learn as much as possible and be proud of the lifestyle our world so desperately relies on as their food and fiber source. We are offering these resources to you to have at your disposal for classroom activities, extra reading material or however you wish to utilize them to enhance your students’ learning experience when it comes to agriculture! This is absolutely FREE!! You can also sign up to receive our ‘Sure Champ in the Classroom’ email series. You will receive a quarterly email jammed packed with great printable pieces that you can download.
Blinn College Virtual Livestock Judging Camp: Camp registration is now open! We couldn’t be more excited about working with on this and know that it will be an awesome experience for your judger.
Meeting of the Minds-Livestock A revolutionary camp combining three dominating College Coaches! An opportunity to train and learn from the best!
In addition to some of the best juco coaches in the country, this virtual camp will include…
- End of the week full contest with reasons (3 divisions: High School, Intermediate, Junior)
- Personal critiques from each coach off of video or typed submitted reasons at the conclusion of each species session
- Live morning and afternoon zoom sessions (breeding/market)
- Opportunities to ask questions during the zoom sessions for clarification
- A digital reasons manual
University of Georgia Livestock Judging Weekly Challenge-Sarah Loughridge: Each week we will post a new livestock judging video class. If you submit a set of reasons for each class, you will be entered into a drawing for some UGA and Animal and Dairy Science prizes! Be sure to have your reasons submitted by 5:00 pm each Thursday. We will post the winner each Monday with the new judging class! Happy judging!
Virtual 2020 Red Wave Livestock Judging Camp: August 5-9. Spots are filling up! We only have room for a limited number of participants, click the link below and reserve your place for the 2020 Virtual Red Wave Livestock Judging Camp. Details are outlined on the registration form.
Registration form:
2020 Virtual Dr Bob Hines Swine Classic: Let the show go on! The 2020 Dr. Bob Hines Swine Classic will be hosted virtually. This includes the prospect and market hog shows, showmanship, skillathon, and photography contest. There will also be a Future K-Stater coloring contest for youth who are under 7 years of age.
Online entries are due June 15, with video submission being July 2-8. Check out the brochure for further details.
Online Entry Form:
Coloring Contest Page:
MyPlate Kid’s Place: MyPlate Kid’s Place includes games, videos, songs, and activity sheets to help kids learn about food, nutrition, and physical activity.
Food Science Activities For Kids: Penn State University offers a list of easy, hands-on activities to help kids learn about Food Science.
UGA Extension’s Foodtalk includes simple recipes, as well as many quick and easy instructional videos. Get the whole family involved in cooking with
FoodHero: FoodHero, from Oregon State University, offers kid-approved recipes, cooking videos, activity sheets and coloring pages.
Fight BAC: The Partnership for Food Safety Education’s Fight BAC!® for Kids section includes ideas and fun activities for kids that teach them about the basics of safe food handling.
America’s Test Kitchen for Kids: America’s test kitchen is temporarily offering free access to resources for youth. Check it out for ideas, recipes, and information about young people in the kitchen.
Home Baking Association: The Home Baking Association also has some lesson plans and other resources posted for Classroom, After-school & Clubs work with youth. These provide good examples of teaching along with baking — special food needs, measuring, roles of ingredients like fats, flour, etc.
LifeSmarts U: LifeSmarts U lessons explore current consumer topics in depth. Lessons in this virtual classroom have two components – online modules for independent student learning, and an “unplugged” lesson for educators to use in classroom or group instruction.
Food and Drug Administration Food and Science Resources- If you are looking for free online food-related science resources, FDA has interactive curricula using food safety & nutrition to make science relevant. Note the Nutrition topics are from 2017, so the Nutrition Facts label one would not have the latest nutrition facts panel information.
4-H Yoga for Kids Videos: Oklahoma 4-H has put together a playlist of videos demonstrating yoga poses.
The Dairy Alliance: Check out The Dairy Alliance website for dairy information, nutrition information, and fun activities and lessons.
Farm to School Georgia Grown at Home: Find recipes, activities, and great information about Georgia Grown foods.
GoNoodle: Fun follow-along dance and physical activity videos for parent and educators.
EatRight for Kids: Resources for parents from the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics.
National 4-H Council – Civic Engagement: 4‑H civic engagement programs empower young people to be well-informed citizens who are actively engaged in their communities and the world.
U.S. Census Bureau – Statistics in School: Features over 100 free activities that you can use in any year (not just census years) to enhance and invigorate learning in many subjects. (grades pre-K through 12)
iCivics: iCivics offers loads of online games that are both fun and educational. You can run your own presidential campaign or practice voting – and that’s just the tip of the iceberg. Complete lesson plans are also available for free. (grades 6-12)
U.S. House of Representatives Office of the Clerk – Kids in the House: The Kids in the House website’s mission is to provide educational and entertaining information about the legislative branch of the United States Government to students of all ages.
Annenberg Classroom: From the Annenberg Public Policy Center of the University of Pennsylvania, Annenberg Classroom’s free resources include over 65 videos on constitutional concepts and Supreme Court cases, as well as games, lesson plans, downloadable books, a glossary, and a Constitution guide.
National Archives: The official website of the U.S. National Archives can be used by students to research and learn about history, genealogy, and the U.S. population and government. Time will fly as you view historical photos, lookup service records of family members, or view our nation’s founding documents.
Digital Civics Toolkit: A free website with lesson plans for exploring and fostering modern civic engagement, the site’s five modules (Participate, Investigate, Dialogue, Voice, and Action) help students to identify issues that matter to them and to find ways to become active participants in the political process.
Discover the History of 4-H & Extension: Linked sites, videos, and more to help you explore the history of 4-H and Extension, especially as it pertains to Georgia. Test your knowledge by taking the Georgia 4-H History Quiz with State 4-H Leader Arch Smith.
Biweekly STEM activities – Pulaski County: Join Pulaski 4-H every Tuesday & Thursday on our Facebook and Instagram pages to engage in our R.E.A.L. STEM activities & education!
Digital Learning Resources – Paulding County: Check out these resources to supplement your digital learning, including our own 4-H led STEAM Club!
Frog calls – Forsyth County: Feeling cooped up? Step outside this evening and listen to nature waking up to spring. If you want to know which of Forsyth County’s 14 frogs and toads you’re hearing, visit the Forsyth County Master Naturalist website.
Kids Teaching Kids – Monroe County: Hi, my name is Savannah and I am a 8th grade Monroe County 4-H’er. In 4-H, I have learned to be a leader, problem solver and much more. While sitting at home during the COVID-19 pandemic, I began to think of ways I could entertain myself and then I got the idea of creating fun, educational videos to share with younger kids. I knew I could not do it alone, so I am calling on the help of my fellow 4-H’ers from across Georgia. Attached is a flyer you can share with your 4-H’ers and here is the link you can include when posting or emailing 4-H’ers will go to that link to sign-up for a video of their choice. Once they have signed up, I will send them a follow-up email with detailed instructions. Thank you for helping as we continue the 4-H slogan, “Learn By Doing”, even while we safely practice social distancing! Thanks, Savannah Brock
Online Learning Resources – McIntosh County: Check the McIntosh County Extension/4-H website for Covid-19 prevention resources and online learning resources.
Out of School Resources – Fulton County: We have created a page on our website with a list of resources for families during school closures including community meal programs, internet access programs, digital library information, community support opportunities, and at-home activities for students of all ages. We will continue to update this page with resources and activities while schools are closed. If there are community resources, such as a meal program, that we do not have listed, please share it with us so that it can be added to the list. Please share with others in our community!
Out of School Resources – Madison County: Check out these resources to help while youth are out of school! Curriculum, virtual tours, story times, and fun activities to help fill your days.
Out of School Resources – Washington County: Need activities while stuck at home? Check out our Out of School Resources page.
Out of School Resources – Bulloch County: Here are resources to help our families during this time of extended school closures. We will continue to update this page regularly with additional resources.
Out of School Resources – Tattnall County: Here are resources to help our families during this time of extended school closures. We will continue to update this page regularly with additional resources.
Plugged into 4-H – Banks, Burke, Greene and Morgan Counties: Schools may be closed, but learning doesn’t have to stop! Join us for an online 4-H activity-a-day program sent via email. Activities and community service projects can be completed at home with common household materials. Lessons will include agriculture, health & wellness, snack ideas, and community service projects! Daily lessons beginning Wednesday, March 18th. There is no cost & 4-H membership, not required. Youth ages 5-18. Open to all families.
4-H N.A.I.L.’D – Southwest District: A team of SWD 4-H Faculty & Staff created 4-H N.A.I.L.’D (New Adventures in Learning Distantly) to host live Zoom lessons & hands-on activities every Monday & Wednesday at 4 pm. The topics vary from arts & crafts to STEM and more!
4-H Virtual Education – Northwest District: A team of NWD 4-H Faculty & Staff created a list of weekly educational activities through live Zoom and Facebook lessons and hands-on activities. The topics vary from agriculture literacy to STEM and more!
Follow Along Friday – Fayette County: Every Friday, we will host a Follow Along Friday activity to do together! We’re planning another one this Friday at 3:30 PM! Make sure you have adult supervision if you plan on doing more than just watching!! If you’d like to see more follow along videos, let us know in the comments and let us know what you’d like to see!
Cooking Series – Heard and Oconee Counties: Are you looking for fun, healthy recipes to cook at home? Luckily for you, “Someone’s in the Kitchen with Dinah… It’s Allison” is here to help! Oconee County’s 4-H Program Assistant, Allison Barnes, paired up with Heard County’s 4-H Extension Agent and County Extension Coordinator, Dinah Rowe, to create this five-part video series that introduces 4-H’ers to a new recipe each day. Cook along with them, or download their recipe cards and save them for a later date!
Daily Video Series – Spalding County: Tune in every day for a new video! If you would like to submit a picture, story or video for any of the days, share them with Leah Wooddall,
Daily Healthy Living Activities – Pulaski County: Join Pulaski 4-H every weekday on our Facebook and Instagram pages to engage in our healthy living resources, activities and education!
Weekly W.I.L.D. Activities – Pulaski County: Join Pulaski 4-H every Wednesday on our Facebook and Instagram pages for W.I.L.D. Wednesdays, showcasing our 4-H’ers learning at home!
Nature Scavenger Hunt – Forsyth County: Join us on Instagram for a Nature Scavenger Hunt!
Five Week Facebook Challenge for Sigma Lambda Chi – Coweta County: Sigma Lambda Chi – Let’s Keep 4-H Going While We at Home! Stay active with Coweta County High School 4-H Club. Upload your picture each week for a chance to win a weekly prize! The high school 4-H’er with the most points at the end of week five will win a $25 gift card!
Online programming – Coweta County: Your 4-H staff in Coweta is ready and eager to start programming online during this time away from all of our 4-H’ers. Please join us and share!
Staying Active and Healthy at Home – Coweta County: More families are at home these days, trying to find ways to help their children handle the change in day-to-day life. Keeping your child physically active is important during this time. Here are a few activities you can do right outside your own back door as a family to promote wellness.
STEMulating Learning Challanges – Tattnall County: These are short science activities or learning challenges designed to help students remain engages during this time that schools are closed. New activities are posted every few days. This will continue until May 30.
Courtney’s Corner – Upson County: This is a new series in which our 4-H educator, Courtney Nordan, will read an agricultural book to our 4-H’ers virtually! We will post a new video every Thursday for the time being.
Healthy Living Activities – Pulaski County: Join us every Monday, Wednesday and Friday for healthy living resources and activities.