The goal of the Discovery Program is to provide fun, educational learning experiences for children in Pre-K through 2nd grade.

We strive to give young students unique educational opportunities that help form a firm foundation for academic success. Interactive classes about animals, plants, sensory awareness, and living history take each child on a voyage of discovery that makes learning come alive!

All classes are one hour in length and incorporate indoor and outdoor, hands-on, minds-on activities. With nine different classes from which to choose, each trip to Rock Eagle will be a new adventure. Check out what classes are offered in Animal Kingdom, Georgia History, and Exploration. Typical field studies include two one-hour classes, followed by time to explore the Natural History Museum and Gift Shop. Covered picnic areas may also be reserved. We can accommodate up to 60 students. Cost is $10.00 per student.

All classes are correlated with the current Georgia Standards of Excellence:

Animal Kingdom

Animal Kingdom

  • Awesome Aquatics
    • Using a Stream and Lake ecosystem, students will learn about the animals they can find in local aquatic habitats. This class will focus on the adaptations of fish, aquatic insects, frogs, and turtles as student handle and observe animals in display and touch tanks. Active games and arts and crafts enhance the educational experience.
  • Creepy Crawlies
    • In this class, students will learn about members of the insect and the arachnid families through the study of live animals. The chance to hold a Madagascar hissing cockroaches and examine live spiders and scorpions will help teach the students about the characteristics of each of these groups. Students will also learn how insects can make our lives more enjoyable.
  • Feathered Friends
    • Children will learn what makes these flying machines so unique through observation and handling of live birds.  In this class students will be introduced to our friendly dove and non-releasable raptors.  The similarities and differences of raptors and seed eaters will be discussed as these birds are shown.  Preserved specimens will also be used to show students the differences in bird beaks and feet.
  • Scaley Slimy
    • Welcome to the wonderful world of reptiles and amphibians, otherwise known as Herpetology.  Observation of live animals is the highlight of this class along with a discussion of what makes reptiles and amphibians so special.

Georgia History

Georgia History

  • Pioneer Life
    • This history lesson teaches students what life was like in the pioneer times. Through storytelling and singing songs, and various activities, students will get an idea of what life would have been like for a pioneer child. Class activities include making music with homemade instruments, washing clothes with a washtub and washboard, churning butter to eat on homemade cornbread, playing pioneer games, and writing with quill pens. Paired with the Native American Life class students get a living history lesson that they will remember.



  • Habitats
    • This class explores what animals need to live and survive. The five requirements (food, water, air, shelter, space) of all living things are stressed as students observe captive animals in their habitats. Concepts of habitat, food web, adaptations, and the 5 requirements are illustrated in interactive songs and activities. Weather permitting, students will go on a habitat hunt to show what they have learned.
  • Plants and Trees
    • In this class students will have the opportunity to get up close and personal with the plants and trees found in their backyard. Hands on activities and games will help students learn about the different parts of plants and their function. They will also gain an understanding of what plants need to live and why plants are important to us and our animal friends. After learning about the requirements of these green machines, each child will make a plant bag to test their own green thumb.
  • Sensory Awareness
    • Discover your senses. In this class students will heighten their senses through a variety of hands on activities. Class topics will focus on the five senses, and how people and animals use their senses everyday. Students will test out their sense of touch by identifying objects in our themed feelie boxes. They will also test out their noses to sniff out the trail of the peppermint beetle and match different smells to each other. Testing their taste buds, students will try to tell the difference between two foods that look, feel and smell alike. Other activities will focus on how animals use their senses in the wild to survive.