Wahsega Dining Hall

Wahsega’s dining hall is so more than the average lunchroom. Our seasoned staff takes pride in the excellent food and caring service they provide. Here’s a look at what’s cooking at Wahsega.




Submit Dietary Restrictions

Meals are made to order for persons with food allergies, food sensitivities, food restricted diets or those who observe religious dietary restrictions. Please be sure to communicate your dietary restrictions using the link above as soon as possible so our dining hall can make sure your meal is prepared accordingly.



Day 1 Dinner Chicken taco (flour Shells), Lettuce/Tomato/Cheese, Rice                      

Pico, Guacamole, corn and black bean salad made fresh 


Day 2 Breakfast                 Bacon Biscuits Eggs 

All breakfasts include a self-service side table with cereal, Nutra grain bars, yogurt, Dole fruit cups, apples, bananas

Day 2  Lunch          Pizza, Salad, fresh fruit,  dessert 
Day 2 Dinner Baked boneless chicken thighs , roasted red potato, sauteed vegetables, rolls, dessert 
Day 3 Breakfast           Biscuits, Bacon, Scrambled Eggs,  Orange slices 

Self-Serve Side Table

Day 3 Lunch                 Pizza, Salad, fresh fruit,  cookie 




Monday Dinner Chicken taco (flour Shells), Lettuce/Tomato/Cheese, Rice                      

Pico, Guacamole, corn and black bean salad made fresh 


Tuesday Breakfast                 Bacon Biscuits Eggs 

All breakfasts include a self-service side table with cereal, Nutra grain bars, yogurt, Dole fruit cups, apples, bananas

Tuesday Lunch                       Turkey Sandwich on Sour dough bread, 

Cheese, lettuce, tomato, chips, fresh fruit 


Pasta Salad, Potato Salad on self-service side table. 

Tuesday Dinner Baked boneless chicken thighs , roasted red potato, sauteed vegetables, rolls, dessert 
Wednesday Breakfast           Bagel, sausage. Eggs.  Potato wedges 

Self-Serve Side Table

Wednesday Lunch                 Pizza, Salad, fresh fruit,  dessert 
Wednesday Dinner                Hamburger Cook out   
Thursday Breakfast Biscuits, Bacon, Eggs, Sliced Oranges 

 Self-Serve Side Table

Thursday Lunch Hot Dogs, Tater Tots, fresh fruit, dessert 

Slaw, Pot. Salad, Mac. Salad on side table 

Thursday Dinner                    Lasagna, Salad, Rolls, Dessert, Fruit 
Friday Breakfast Cinnamon Buns  ( fresh baked)

Self-Serve Side Table


  • Please be aware that our products, prepared items, and cooking facilities may contain or may have had contact with the following food items: fish, eggs, milk, wheat, peanuts, soybeans, sesame, tree nuts and shellfish. We understand that food allergies are a daily concern for many. Our staff are allergen aware and prepared to assist you.
  • Please allow us  to work with you to create a meal plan to help accommodate your individual dietary needs.  The Wahsega Dining Hall can be reached at 706-867-2905.
  • We will accommodate your dietary needs to the best of our ability during your stay. However, we realize that those with highly restrictive diets may prefer to bring their own food and/or snacks as our options and variety may be limited. For those who would like to bring their own food items, we do have food storage, refrigerator and freezer dedicated to serving this purpose.
  • Our FS staff are trained in food safety and are allergen aware
  • Please ask if we maintain allergen friendly food preparation areas in our kitchen(s)

Should you need more information our Dining Hall Manager, Amanda Smallwood can be reached at 706-867-2905 or mandas@uga.edu