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Beginning in program year 2022, the Georgia 4-H Technology Summit will be a new weekend event for middle and high school 4-H youth. The goal of the Georgia 4-H Technology Summit is for 4-H youth to develop and enhance technology-related skills that prepare them for their future. Youth attendees are encouraged but not required to share the knowledge gained at the Technology Summit with their local 4-H programs and communities. Participation would open to any eligible 4-H youth member in the 6th-12th grade.
2021 - 2022 Planning Team Information
Realizing that youth-voice is an important component of this event, the Georgia 4-H Technology Summit planning team will be comprised of 4-H youth, collegiate 4-H’ers, and adults. Any youth (in grades 7-12 for the 2021-2022 school year) is eligibe to serve on the planning team. Applications will close on April 14, 2021. Applications will include a reference from a local 4-H leader. Selections will be made using a scoring rubric and an identity-hidden process. County Extension Offices and youth will be notified no later than May 7, 2021 of their status.
Planning Committee Responsibilities
Application Worksheet
Application Link
Application Scoring Rubric
Georgia 4-H Science Contact
Kasey Bozeman
Extension 4-H Specialist

The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (working cooperatively with Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the counties of Georgia) offers its educational programs, assistance, and materials to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation or protected veteran status and is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action organization.