4-H Tech Changemakers help adults develop digital literacy skills

Youth involved with the Georgia 4-H Tech Changemakers program are bridging the digital divide and providing digital literacy education to improve workforce readiness skills in adults. The 2021-22 cohort surpassed previous record impact numbers by reaching 5,488 adults during the program year.

Approximately 1.6 million adults in Georgia lack access to a high-speed internet connection. The 4-H Tech Changemakers project uses an adult-youth partnership model to empower teens as teachers of digital literacy in areas lacking broadband Internet access.

High school 4-H’ers, known as Tech Changemakers, work cooperatively with 4-H faculty, staff and adult volunteers to plan, implement and evaluate needs-driven educational programming in their local communities. These programs are designed to help adults adopt and use technology to improve their economic mobility and access opportunities.

Georgia 4-H Tech Changemakers held 91 hands-on classes, workshops, and trainings led by 88 trained 4-H’ers from 15 counties during the 2021-22 grant cycle. The most popular topics included responsible online behavior, email communication, online safety tips and video conference communication.

Of adult participants surveyed after Tech Changemaker events, 95% reported that they gained new technology skills, 96% said the skills they learned would impact their work and life, and 98% felt that the teen leaders were knowledgeable about the topics they taught.

Funding for the 2021-22 4-H Tech Changemakers grant is coordinated by the National 4-H Council and the Microsoft Corporation, with additional support from Land O’Lakes, Tractor Supply and Verizon. The grant has been renewed for its fourth year in Georgia and the 2022-23 grant program is currently underway.

The Georgia 4-H Tech Changemakers program expanded from 15 counties in 2020-21 to 22 counties for 2022-23.

“We are excited to see the impacts this program continues to have within local communities, and I am encouraged by the growing interest for counties to participate in this grant,” said Katie Bowker, the program’s coordinator.

Nationally, 23 land-grant institutions deliver the Tech Changemakers program, reaching 36,718 adult participants during the 2021-22 cycle. These events were facilitated by 325 4-H’ers nationwide.

Catoosa County 4-H Agent Caleb Millican related the story of a participant who, struggling to find a job, was aided through a resume-building workshop.

“Even though there are websites online for resume building, many ask for money or are hard to navigate. Using our resume template, she was able to help make a resume that suited the job she was applying for and even secured an interview for that job,” Millican said.

Tech Changemakers programming has a profound impact on the student leaders in addition to the adult participants. Worth County 4-H Agent Kristen Ford has seen students’ presentation and teaching abilities improve significantly.

“Teaching others about a topic can be nerve-wracking, but this program gives students a chance to practice these skills. Having adults who are excited about youth teaching has helped 4-H’ers gain confidence,” Ford said.

The program facilitates 4-H partnerships with city and county governments, school systems, and community organizations.

“As broadband expands into rural areas, having community members ready to adopt and use these technologies is so important. Our digital-native 4-H Tech Changemakers are creating a path that leads to an overall digital transformation throughout our state,” says Kasey Bozeman, Extension 4-H specialist for science programs.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships, and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 225,000 people annually through University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

Melanie Biersmith selected as Georgia’s ninth state 4-H leader

Georgia 4-H has selected Melanie Biersmith as the new state 4-H leader. Effective Nov. 1, Biersmith is the ninth state leader in the organization’s 118-year history.

The state 4-H leader provides strategic vision in response to the changing needs of Georgia’s youth and works to support diversity and inclusiveness in youth programming.

Georgia 4-H operates under the scope of University of Georgia Cooperative Extension and reaches more than 240,000 youth in a typical program year.

Biersmith most recently served as the associate state 4-H leader for facilities and residential programs for Georgia 4-H, where she managed operations and personnel at all six Georgia 4-H centers, plus coordination of the Georgia 4-H Environmental Education program and summer camp program.

Her career with UGA Extension began in 2003 as the environmental education coordinator on Jekyll Island. She then served as the director of Georgia 4-H at Camp Jekyll and later as the Extension 4-H specialist for science and environmental education until 2018.

Biersmith holds a bachelor’s degree in biology from Georgia College and State University and a master’s degree in science education from the University of Georgia. She resides in Morgan County with her husband, Andy, her daughter, Drew, and her son, Sam.

“It is inspiring to see the potential in every young person,” Biersmith said. “I appreciate the opportunity to watch their development and see how positive youth development experiences guide them on their journey to adulthood.”

In her role as state 4-H leader, Biersmith will also oversee recruitment and development of 4-H faculty and staff, advocate for extramural funding to support faculty scholarship, and champion the success Georgia 4-H facilities.

Her leadership will impact in-school, after-school and non-traditional delivery models facilitated by approximately 120 county Extension agents, 225 educators, program assistants and AmeriCorps members, as well as thousands of volunteers.

The state 4-H leader guides Georgia 4-H towards the vision and mission of helping youth thrive.

“Melanie will ensure the continued success and stability of Georgia 4-H while also providing a transformative vision for the future of Georgia 4-H,” said Laura Perry Johnson, associate dean for Extension with the UGA College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. For more information about Georgia 4-H, contact your local UGA county Extension office or visit georgia4h.org.

National 4-H Week is October 2-8

The University of Georgia 4-H Program is celebrating National 4-H Week and recognizing more than 100 years of excellence in positive youth development October 2-8. Georgia 4-H’ers find their spark and discover belonging as members of the largest youth leadership organization in the state.

“Opportunity4All” is the 2022 National 4-H Week theme. With over 6 million members and 25 million alumni nationally, 4-H programs touch young people from all backgrounds and communities. Georgia 4-H engages 240,000 students in a standard program year, typically in 4th-12th grades.

Young people will play a key role in creating a more promising future for families and communities across the world. Georgia 4-H empowers youth to develop leadership skills, life skills, and responsibility with programming based on research from UGA faculty and other land-grant universities nationwide.

Georgia 4-H is rooted in agriculture, originating with the 1905 Newton County Corn Club for Boys. The program now has additional branches in science, technology, healthy living, and civic engagement. Today, 4-H attracts students from all areas of interests and engages youth from the most urban to the most rural areas.

4-H’ers perform community service, conduct research, compile portfolios of their accomplishments, and learn public speaking skills through oral presentations during 4-H Project Achievement.

Additional 4-H programming includes livestock projects, judging teams, ambassador programs, performing arts, safe and healthy cooking, Project S.A.F.E., and countless other opportunities for learning and growth.

4-H summer camp provides life-changing experiences for thousands of Georgia youth every year. The 2022 camping season brought more than 8,000 campers to five 4-H centers that are scattered throughout the state from the mountains to the sea.

“We are able to provide top-tier opportunities to our students because of partnerships with all Extension faculty and staff in all 159 Georgia counties,” said Sue Chapman, Interim Georgia 4-H State Leader. “4-H is giving youth a safe and welcoming place to thrive that will set them on a path to life-long success.”

Georgia 4-H expands horizons for its members and encourages them to be productive citizens in the world around them. National 4-H Week is a collective opportunity to recognize all the ways that 4-H’ers are living out the organizational motto “to make the best better.”

For more information about how to join, volunteer, or support Georgia 4-H, contact your local University of Georgia County Extension Office or visit www.georgia4h.org.

Belle the sea turtle returns to ocean from Burton 4-H Center

A loggerhead sea turtle named Belle has returned to her natural habitat in the Atlantic Ocean after five years as a resident of Burton 4-H Center on Tybee Island. Equipped with a tracking device attached to her shell to monitor her journey back to the sea, Belle was released on a Tybee Island beach on Sept. 7 with a send-off from the 4-H center staff and volunteers.

Environmental Education staff at the Burton 4-H Center care for sea turtles that do not successfully make their initial voyage to the ocean as hatchlings through a partnership with the Georgia Department of Natural Resources, which grants permits and permission for these stragglers to be raised at the center until they are ready to live in the wild on their own.

Belle was 3 inches long and weighed just a few ounces when she came to Burton in 2017 and she has been an important part of Environmental Education programs for thousands of Georgia youth.

She was about 52 pounds prior to her release and approximately 20 inches in length.

Visitors to Burton 4-H Center learn about the habitat, diet, life cycle and characteristics of sea turtles, thanks to Belle and other turtles who grow up at the center.

“We usually have sea turtles at various life stages as residents of the center, so students and other guests can observe and learn about them at different points in their development,” said Erine-Fay McNaught, Environmental Education program coordinator at Burton 4-H Center. “It is always our goal for these turtles to return to the ocean and live out their days in their natural habitat.”

GulfStream Aerospace Corporation, a supporter of Georgia 4-H programming, donated the funding to purchase, install and monitor the tracking device that will deliver data on Belle’s whereabouts over approximately 18 months. Signals are sent from the whip antenna on the tracker to satellites when she surfaces to breathe long enough for both copper posts on the tracker to clear the water.

The collected data will be used by teachers and environmental educators to demonstrate the habits of sea turtles to their classrooms. Belle’s progress can be tracked at wildlifecomputers.com.

The longevity and effectiveness of the tracker can be impacted by turtle behavior and environmental factors. Choppy water and rainy weather can prevent signals from reaching satellites. The tracker can be damaged or knocked off the turtle by reefs and other obstructions in the water that the turtle might encounter.

“Even with these challenges, we have a great opportunity here to follow Belle and learn more about the behavior of loggerhead sea turtles in the wild,” said Paul Coote, director of Burton 4-H Center. “We would not have been able to have this opportunity without the generous support of Gulfstream. We so appreciate their support of our efforts to engage and educate the youth of Georgia and everyone else following this project virtually.”

The Georgia 4-H Environmental Education program is available from September through May at six Georgia 4-H facilities every year, providing opportunities for high-quality day and overnight educational experiences. The research-based curriculum correlates to the Georgia Standards of Excellence, providing hands-on learning in the context of the real world.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships, and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 225,000 people annually through University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

For more information about Georgia 4-H and the Georgia 4-H Environmental Education program, contact your local UGA Extension office or visit georgia4h.org/ee.

Georgia 4-H receives AmeriCorps funding to support youth programs

The Georgia 4-H program is one of 25 Georgia organizations to receive AmeriCorps funding to support programming across the state.

Organizations in Georgia received $7,260,916 in AmeriCorps funding from the federal agency for 2022-23. With the agency’s unique model, the grants announced will leverage an additional $5 million from the private sector, foundations, and other sources, further increasing the return on the federal investment.

Georgia 4-H received a grant of $496,800, the fourth-largest AmeriCorps State grant awarded in Georgia. Georgia 4-H will have 33 AmeriCorps State members — 13 full-time and 20 half-time — who will serve a 12-month term, from September 2022 through August 2023. Georgia 4-H has received AmeriCorps State grants each year since 2012, as well as receiving AmeriCorps VISTA grants since 2009. A full list of grant awards is available on the Georgia Department of Community Affairs website.

AmeriCorps members will tackle some of the toughest problems in Georgia, including education, economic opportunities, healthy futures, homelessness, people living with disabilities, financial literacy and environmental issues.

“AmeriCorps State members serve in local Extension offices providing positive 4-H youth development programming directly to youth. Their focus is on in-school educational club meetings, preparing youth for Project Achievement, community service projects and volunteer recruitment,” said Jennifer Cantwell, project coordinator for Georgia 4-H.

Members will serve in Barrow, Ben Hill, Bleckley, Bryan, Bulloch, Burke, Candler, Carroll, Cobb, Cook, Dougherty, Evans, Forsyth, Gordon, Hancock, Haralson, Houston, Jackson, Laurens, Morgan, Oconee, Oglethorpe, Paulding, Peach, Putnam, Spalding, Sumter, Tift, Toombs, Upson, Whitfield, and Wilkes counties.

Positions are open for applications in Jackson, Putnam, Forsyth, Paulding, Upson, Bulloch, and Sumter counties. Visit https://georgia4h.org/get-involved/americorps/ for information about how to apply. Open positions are up-to-date as of publication time.

“The AmeriCorps State program helps Georgia 4-H increase programming capacity through an increase in youth served, expansion of educational opportunities and development of higher quality opportunities. AmeriCorps State members are well-suited to provide positive youth development programming as they show great skill and passion for making a difference in the lives of youth,” Cantwell said. “The combination of their strong public-service motivation, training to work with diverse populations and positive attitudes help expand the reach of Georgia 4-H.”

In return for service, members receive a monthly living allowance, and the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) is providing nearly $3 million in Segal AmeriCorps Education Awards for the AmeriCorps members funded by these grants. After completing a full term of service, full-time AmeriCorps Members may receive an award of approximately $6,495 that they can use to pay for college or to pay off student loans. Awards vary based on members’ status such as full-time or less than full-time. Many AmeriCorps members have gone on to employment with UGA Extension and 4-H after their service, Cantwell added.

“This is a great opportunity to promote the mission of Georgia 4-H and recruit individuals into a career with Extension. The Georgia 4-H AmeriCorps program truly helps make the best better,” she said.

Every year, 75,000 AmeriCorps members serve through more than 21,000 schools, nonprofits, and community- and faith-based organizations across the country. These citizens have played a critical role in the recovery of communities affected by disasters and helped thousands of first-generation college students access higher education. They also tutor and mentor young people, connect veterans to jobs, care for seniors, reduce crime and revive cities, fight the opioid epidemic and meet other critical needs.

AmeriCorps is a federal agency that engages millions of Americans in service through its AmeriCorps and Senior Corps programs and leads the nation’s volunteering and service efforts. Since the program’s inception in 1994, more than 1 million Americans have served, providing more than 1.5 billion hours of service and earned more than $3.6 billion in education scholarships, more than $1 billion of which has been used to pay back student debt. More information is available at AmeriCorps.gov.

For more information on Georgia 4-H, visit georgia4h.org.

-Maria Lameiras

Middle school 4-H’ers gain hands-on agricultural engineering experience at “Mission Make-It” event

The Georgia 4-H STEM initiative hosted 152 middle school 4-H’ers on August 20 for “Mission Make-It,” an immersive learning experience at Rock Eagle 4-H focused on agricultural engineering. This annual event took place on August 20 and offered hands-on engineering experience, with a 2022 theme of “Rooted in Agriculture.”

This unique event allows students to learn about the engineering design process and then build functional examples of the concepts they learn. High school 4-H’ers, known as Teen Leaders, guided their younger peers through interactive workshops centered on wheelbarrows and windmills. These two inventions have impacted agricultural operations across the world for centuries.

Small groups work together to build the engineering projects. These groups also foster teamwork, planning, and communication skills. Teen Leaders were chosen to lead through an application process and each of them created activities for an exhibit fair and art show during the event.

“Engineers plan, create, and improve new products and processes daily. During the Mission Make-It event, middle school 4-H youth replicate these same steps during the engineering challenges,” said Kasey Bozeman, 4-H Extension Specialist for STEM Programs. “Older 4-H’ers gain leadership experience through preparation and teaching, and they always learn something new themselves,” Bozeman added.

The full-day experience kicked off with a drone demonstration led by Teen Leaders. This lesson in technology connected classic engineering models with innovative technology being used by Georgia’s farmers. Students learned the operation basics and then tested out their knowledge by flying drones on the Sutton Hall Lawn at Rock Eagle.

Mission Make-It was created to introduce youth to careers in engineering and expose them to the ways that engineering impacts their lives. Jay Moon, County Executive Director of USDA’s County Farm Service in Putnam County, spoke to attendees about farm loans and career possibilities. Moon also brought a calf from his local dairy farm as a special guest for his presentation.

Agriculture and STEM programs are one of three Georgia 4-H focus areas use hands-on activities to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills in young people. Other 4-H focus areas include Civic Engagement and Healthy Living.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships, and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 225,000 people annually through UGA Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

For more information about Georgia 4-H, contact your local University of Georgia County Extension Office or visit www.georgia4h.org.

-Josie Smith

Governor Brian Kemp and First Lady Marty Kemp received the Green Jacket Award for their service to Georgia 4-H. Pictured left to right: Dennis Chastain, CEO of Georgia EMC; Arch Smith, Retired State Leader of Georgia 4-H; Brian Kemp, Georgia Governor; Marty Kemp, Georgia First Lady; Laura Perry Johnson, Associate Dean of UGA Cooperative Extension.

Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and First Lady Marty Kemp received the Green Jacket Award from Georgia 4-H at the 2022 Georgia 4-H State Congress. This prestigious award is presented to individuals who have shown outstanding, significant, and ongoing statewide support to 4-H.

The Kemps have been proponents of Georgia 4-H for two decades. During his time in public office, Governor Kemp has passed and upheld legislation that provides funding for Georgia 4-H programming throughout the state.

Governor Kemp has attended and supported local and state-level 4-H events since he began serving Georgia as a senator in 2003. He recently delivered the keynote address to 4-H’ers and other stakeholders at the 2022 Georgia 4-H Day at the Capitol.

“Throughout his years of service, Governor Kemp has continued to show up for Georgia 4-H’ers,” said Arch Smith, retired Georgia 4-H State Leader. “I can recall numerous occasions where he would take extra time to meet and listen to our state officers. He is a champion for Georgia 4-H,” Smith added.

First Lady Kemp has invested in the Georgia 4-H program by involving 4-H’ers in the activities of the Governors’ Mansion, including tours, pet adoption days, and other specialty events for youth. She also facilitated the First Flock project, in which Warren County 4-H’ers and FFA members helped design and install a chicken coop for the mansion grounds.

The Green Jacket Award was first announced during 4-H State Congress on July 21 in Atlanta. “We are honored to be chosen as the recipients of this year’s Green Jacket Award,” Governor Kemp said in a video address to the 4-H State Congress delegation. “We know how important Georgia 4-H is to young people in every corner of our state. Because of [4-H], young people have the skills and drive they need to succeed,” said First Lady Kemp.

The Kemps received their green jackets and a commemorative plaque during a presentation at the Capital on August 9. Dennis Chastain, CEO of Georgia Electric Membership Corporation (EMC), made the presentation along with Smith and Laura Perry Johnson, Associate Dean for Extension at the University of Georgia.

Partnership with Georgia EMC is vital to the continuation of positive youth development efforts of Georgia 4-H. Georgia 4-H has awarded the Green Jacket Award with support from Georgia EMC every year since 2008. For a complete list of winners, visit www.georgia4h.org/awards.

Georgia 4-H celebrated excellence during the 79th Annual 4-H State Congress with competitions and recognition as top 4-H’ers from around the state gathered in Atlanta. State Congress, which took place from July 19-22, includes the state-level Project Achievement and Leadership in Action contests and acknowledges youth development professionals, supporters, and public officials for their contributions to the success of 4-H in Georgia.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships, and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 225,000 people annually through UGA Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

For more information about Georgia 4-H, contact your local University of Georgia County Extension Office or visit www.georgia4h.org.

-Josie Smith

Fourth grader’s 109-pound watermelon wins Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest

Madelynn Murphy, a fourth-grade 4-H’er from Appling County, earned a sweet victory in the 2022 Georgia 4-H Watermelon Growing Contest with a girthy melon weighing in at 109.5 pounds. The conclusion of the contest was held on National Watermelon Day, August 3.

The contest, which offers students the opportunity to learn and use their knowledge of agricultural and environmental sciences to produce prize-winning fruit, cultivates an appreciation for proper fruit and vegetable growing techniques. In addition to the basics of caring for watermelons, contestants incorporate mathematical knowledge of space, depth and irrigation needs for their plants. They also develop problem-solving skills for common agricultural challenges such as insect control.

With entries from 49 4-H’ers from around Georgia, weights for winning watermelons were verified by University of Georgia Cooperative Extension agents at county offices to ensure accuracy.

Second place went to Aiden Connell from Appling County with a 92.5-pound watermelon. Third place went to Chloe Boatwright, also from Appling, with a 73.5-pound watermelon.

First, second and third place winners received cash prizes and ribbons to recognize their enormous entries.

Appling County enjoyed great success in the contest this year. “Growing watermelons teaches basic plant science in a hands-on and fun way. Pretty much every kid thinks it’s neat to have a 100-pound watermelon in the backyard,” said Shane Curry, Appling County Agriculture and Natural Resources agent. “We’ve been fortunate over the past few years to have a lot of kids that are really good at it, and they keep getting better.”

The Georgia Watermelon Association and Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association sponsor the fun and educational contest.

Georgia’s warm summers provide the ideal climate for growing successful watermelons, and most 4-H’ers grow the ‘Carolina Cross’ watermelon variety for their contest entries. ‘Carolina Cross’ is generally considered the largest watermelon variety and the seeds are readily available for purchase from local retailers and online.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 225,000 people annually through UGA Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

For more information about Georgia 4-H and the watermelon growing contest, contact your local UGA Extension office or visit georgia4h.org.

-Josie Smith

Georgia 4-H celebrates excellence at 79th annual 4-H State Congress in Atlanta

Last month, top 4-H’ers from around the state gathered in Atlanta to celebrate the 79th annual 4-H State Congress, an event packed with competition and recognition.

State Congress, which took place from July 19-22, includes the state-level Project Achievement and Leadership in Action contests and acknowledges youth development professionals, supporters and public officials for their contributions to the success of 4-H in Georgia.

Students who place first at state-level competitions in Georgia 4-H earn the title of “Master 4-H’er.” During State Congress, 204 delegates competed in 50 Project Achievement areas and seven delegates competed in the Leadership in Action contest; one individual from each project area and two Leadership in Action competitors received Master 4-H’er status.

Project Achievement

More than 48,000 youth participated in Project Achievement this year through 4-H programs at the county level. This essential Georgia 4-H program element empowers young people with leadership, creativity, public speaking and record-keeping skills that will last a lifetime. At the high school level, students choose a project of interest from a list of areas that include agriculture, human development, performing arts, communication, engineering and workforce. They subsequently research the topic, create a detailed presentation, and participate in related community service and civic engagement activities. The State Congress competition also includes individual interviews with qualified professionals who engage with 4-H’ers about their project work.

To view a complete list of Project Achievement participants, visit georgia4h.org.

Leadership in Action

Venya Gunjal of Cobb County was inducted 2022-23 Georgia 4-H state president during Georgia 4-H State Congress.

The Leadership in Action competition calls for 4-H’ers to identify a community need and work to meet that need by planning and implementing original projects and initiatives. Competitors then prepare an application packet and participate in interviews at the district level. Seven finalists were chosen to be recognized and compete at State Congress. The 2022 Leadership in Action winners are Chanthony Andrews Jr. from Glynn County and Evelyn Day from Houston County.

Andrews hosted a “Sock-tober” drive to collect socks and other necessities for hundreds of people experiencing homelessness in Glynn County. Day partnered with FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security to educate pet owners nationwide about best practices for their pets during national disasters. Other finalists were Jaylee Kilgo from Bartow County, Lilly Ann Smith from Oconee County, Lilly Kate Farrar from Habersham County, Lydia Belfower from Bleckley County, and Rachel Wood from Morgan County.

Georgia 4-H awards

Georgia 4-H recognizes stakeholders who provide guidance and support to Georgia 4-H throughout the year at State Congress.

Courtney Brown, Extension specialist for 4-H healthy living programs, received the 2022 Ryles Rising Star Award. This award recognizes an outstanding 4-H staff member in the first five years of their employment for their contributions to the success of 4-H. Brown coordinates all the healthy living initiatives within Georgia 4-H and has improved effectiveness and efficiency in all the programs she oversees, including Cotton Boll and Consumer Judging and a myriad of food projects. She is dedicated to improving the lives of Georgia’s youth and their families.

The Georgia Association of Educational Leaders (GAEL) received the 2022 Friend of 4-H Award. This award is presented annually to organizations or individuals that demonstrate outstanding support of Georgia 4-H with exemplary contributions towards the mission and vision of the program by the Georgia Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals (GAE4HYDP). GAEL supports Georgia 4-H through long-standing partnerships with educators that allow for in-school 4-H programming to continue as the cornerstone of the organization. Collaboration between GAEL and 4-H makes positive youth development possible for hundreds of thousands of Georgia 4-H’ers.

National 4-H Council Director Roger C. “Bo” Ryles presents Extension Specialist Courtney Brown with the Ryles Rising Star Award in front of the center lectern decorated with 4-H flags and flowers.
National 4-H Council Director Roger C. “Bo” Ryles presents UGA Extension Specialist Courtney Brown with the Ryles Rising Star Award.

Sheila Marchant, Jeff Davis County Extension coordinator (CEC) and 4-H agent, received the 2022 William H. Booth Award. This award is presented by Georgia EMC and recognizes 4-H agents who have outstanding career achievements and who have a strong commitment to community support. Marchant is dedicated to creating a safe and caring environment for youth to achieve their goals in Jeff Davis County. The other district finalists were Brittani K. Lee, Cobb County interim CEC and 4-H agent; Wanda McLocklin, Barrow County CEC and 4-H agent; and Crystal Perry, Sumter County 4-H agent. Each of these individuals provide admirable support and leadership to their county programs.

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp and First Lady Marty Kemp received the 2022 Georgia 4-H Green Jacket Award. This prestigious award is presented to individuals who have shown outstanding, significant and ongoing statewide support to the program. The Kemps have been proponents of Georgia 4-H for decades, through legislative funding and hands-on programs such as the First Flock, tours, pet adoption days and activities for youth at the Governor’s Mansion. Governor Kemp served as the keynote speaker for the 2022 Georgia 4-H Day at the Capitol.

Leaders in the camping program and 4-H center leadership also received recognition during State Congress. Additionally, the 2022-23 Georgia 4-H Board of Directors were inducted into their positions of leadership. The 2021-22 Board of Directors were honored for their year of service. Georgia 4-H also recognized special event winners from the 2021-22 program year.

State Congress is made possible by generous contributions from organizations that support positive youth development in Georgia. Major sponsors include Georgia EMCHarley Langdale Jr. Foundation, Inc.Premium PeanutGeorgia PowerGeorgia 4-H Foundation, and Georgia Master 4-H Club.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships, and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 225,000 people annually through University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

For more information about Georgia 4-H, contact your local UGA Extension office or visit georgia4h.org.

-Josie Smith

Georgia 4-H’er Receives Tom Knapp Memorial Scholarships from Federal Ammunition and Champion Targets

Georgia 4-H’er Receives Tom Knapp Memorial Scholarships from Federal Ammunition and Champion Targets

– William Elrod from Georgia was chosen as a 2022 scholarship recipient.

ANOKA, Minnesota – July 13, 2022 –At the recent National 4-H Shooting Sports Invitational held in Grand Island, Nebraska, two National 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadors were awarded the 9th annual Tom Knapp Memorial Scholarships. The national event brought together nearly 700 competitors from 39 states to participate in a multitude of shooting sports disciplines. Their shooting skills shined throughout the week and their enthusiasm spilled over to the community.

Applicants for the scholarship are required to have attended the National 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassador training, maintain at least a 3.0 GPA, and be enrolled or planning to attend an accredited college or university. Faith Newton from North Carolina and William Elrod from Georgia were chosen as the 2022 scholarship recipients.

Although all the applicants were outstanding these two ambassadors stood out in the applications with their numerous volunteer efforts not only in their local communities but throughout their states and regions. All the 4-H Shooting Sports Ambassadors are true leaders in their communities and within the shooting sports industry.

“The Knapp Family would be proud of all the National 4-H Ambassador’s and their shooting accomplishments. These annual scholarships have changed the lives of dozens of kids over the years and this group does a tremendous job at sharing the positive effects that the 4-H Shooting Sports Program has had on their lives and communities across the country,” said Brian Kelvington from Federal Ammunition. Kelvington assisted the Knapp Family with putting together this scholarship program which started in 2014.

2022 marks the 7th year of scholarships awarded to 4-H Ambassadors with 14 youth in total receiving scholarships from this program since 2016. Federal Ammunition continues to be the longest tenured sponsor for the National 4-H Shooting Sports Program who reaches over 500,000 youth from across the country. The program promotes firearm safety, youth development through structured shooting sports programs across all shooting disciplines.

Press Release Contact: JJ Reich
Senior Manager – Press Relations