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Jackson County 4-H wins first place at the State Livestock Judging contest
The senior team from Jackson County earned top honors at the Georgia 4-H State Livestock Judging contest on March 19 at the Georgia FFA-FCCLA Center in Covington. Team members Morgan McDaniel, Bella Chandler, and Jesse Chronic were coached by Dr. Joshua Whitworth and Dr. Jacob Segers.
Livestock Judging equips participants with critical thinking skills as they select the best animals from classes of beef cattle, hogs, and sheep. Contestants prepare by learning the industry standards for each breed and they gain knowledge through research, training sessions, group activities, and hands-on experiences. Problem solving, decision making, and public speaking are other key elements of livestock judging.
The state event incorporates both individual and team competition with opportunities to win in both levels. Seven junior teams and three senior teams participated in the contest . Junior teams are made up of youth from 4th grade to 8th grade and senior teams are 9th through 12th grade 4-H’ers; the winners of senior-level state competitions become Master 4-H’ers.
Jackson County 4-H will represent Georgia at the National 4-H Livestock Judging Contest in Louisville, Kentucky this fall.
The first-place junior team from Madison County included Mallory Lee, Maggie Moon, and Olivia Lee.
According to Georgia’s Department of Agriculture, animal agriculture is the largest sector of the agriculture industry and contributes over $5.8 billion to the “farm gate value” of the state. UGA Faculty and industry experts contribute to the curriculum used to train 4-H livestock judgers and help connect youth with pertinent applications of the skills they learn.
Dr. Dylan Davis, Extension Youth Livestock Specialist, recognizes the long-term benefits of this program. “Livestock judging is a great way for students to learn how to confidently make quick decisions and defend them with facts,” Davis said. “Just like any other sport, Livestock Judging opens up a world of opportunities for college funding and career goals if students are passionate and work hard.”
Other winners in the contest include second place senior team from Gordon County with team members Rebekah McElrath, Hunter Petty, Roberto Romero and Kyle Hurd; third place senior team from Madison County with team members Emily Strickland, Audrey Brown, and Matthew Highfill; second place junior team from Franklin County with team members Clifton Certain, Jentsie Cabe, Deacon Cabe, and Hadley Floyd; and third place junior team from Gordon County with team members Lowry Duggin, Matthew Worley, William Parish, and Henry Duggin. Additional winners include first place high individual senior Morgan McDaniel from Jackson County; second high individual senior Bella Chandler from Jackson County, and third high individual senior Emily Strickland from Madison County. The top junior individual was Mallory Lee from Madison County; second high junior individual went to Maggie Moon from Madison County, and third high junior individual went to Lowry Duggin from Gordon County.
Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 225,000 people annually through UGA Extension offices and 4-H facilities.
For more information about how to get involved with Livestock Judging and Georgia 4-H, contact your local University of Georgia County Extension Office or visit www.georgia4h.org.

The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (working cooperatively with Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the counties of Georgia) offers its educational programs, assistance, and materials to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation or protected veteran status and is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action organization.