2020-2021 Georgia 4-H Ambassadors

This year, Georgia 4-H received more than 150 applications for youth ambassador programs.
The selected youth will serve for one program year.


STEM Ambassadors

led by Ms. Kasey Bozeman, Extension Specialist for 4-H Science and Environmental Education

Forty youth were selected as STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics) Ambassadors for the 2020-2021 program year. These Ambassadors will share science, design, technology, innovation, engineering and mathematics within the local community.

[one_third]Clayton Adams, Madison County
Aman Boricha-Masand, Bibb County
Bryce Braswell, Lee County
Kaylyn Contreras, Pulaski County
Tate Cox, Harris County
Casi Curry, Harris County
Kareem El-Gayyar, Fayette County
Salih El-Gayyar, Fayette County
Issabelle Elliot, Houston County
Savannah Fields, Jones County
Hannah Fletcher, Worth  County
Jacobi Gilbert, Fulton County
Kennedy Gross, Columbia County
Hayden Hancock, Glynn County
Isaiah Harris, Newton County
Gracie Howell, Worth County
Ce’Darius Ingram, Hancock County
Connor Keesee, Jasper County
Lexington Kozak-Baun, Liberty County
Samantha Kuhbander, Ware County
Juliette McKinley, Paulding County[/one_third]
[one_third_last]Nicholas McKinley, Paulding County
Matalie Miles, Candler County
Nick Miller, Tattnall County
Owen Miller, Glynn County
Safeer Mithani, Gwinnett County
Skylar Morgan, Effingham County
Savannah Mosley, Jasper County
Jayla Moss, Harris County
Molly Oglesby, Ware County
Tirth Patel, Randolph County
Emily Pethel, Hall County
Taylor Rudeseal, Hall County
Garrison Stewart, Terrell County
Lauryn Wade, Harris County
Dania Wadley, Harris County
Adelyn Walls, Jasper County
Boaz Whealy, Murray County
Lauren Wixson, Ben Hill County
Madison Wood, Floyd County[/one_third_last]

Healthy Living Ambassadors

led by Dr. Courtney Brown, Extension Specialist for 4-H Healthy Living 

Fourty-five youth were selected as Healthy Living Ambassadors. These Ambassadors will share about basic nutrition, food access, cooking skills and food budgeting.

[one_third]Shazia Alam, Sumter County
Chanthony Andrews, Jr., Glynn County
Jocelyn Birko, Gilmer County
Lily Bischoff, Athens-Clarke County
Lauren Blair, Taylor County
Jasmine Blalock, Peach County
Susan Carter, Appling County
Kaylee Collins, Spalding County
Jaytan Cox, Randolph County
Daphne Crawford, Clarke County
Jenna Dekich, Catoosa County
Caiden Goldinger, Worth County
Alexis Gross, Madison County
Akierra Hall, Ben Hill  County
Aniyah Hall, Ben Hill County
Cassidy Head, Pulaski County
Devika Henry, Gwinnett County
Evangelina (Angel) Jarvis , Candler County
Liam Jay, Ben Hill County
Haleigh Ledford, Gilmer County
Brianna Lee, Bartow County
Samuel McBride, Emanuel County[/one_third]
[one_third_last]Janey Miller, Lowndes County
Megan Miller, Tattnall County
Katelyn Millsap, Paulding County
Haley Mosley, Candler County
Elizabeth Ogles, Bartow County
Lauren Davis, Ware County
Tiolu Popoola, Douglas County
Tabitha Ramey, Habersham County
Tianna Ramey, Habersham County
Lauren Richardson, Barrow County
Olivia Richardson, Fulton County
Rylie Rowland, Emanuel County
Lexi Sherrer, Muscogee County
Avondrea Singleton, Muscogee County
Madeline Skojac, Murray County
Charlie Snyder, Barrow County
(Emma) Elise Sparks, Madison County
Leah Szczepanski, Oconee County
Colin Williamson, Tift County
Julia Wood, Floyd County
Jurnee Worthen, Hancock County
Keondre Young, Bacon County
Malachi Young, Gwinnett County[/one_third_last]

Pollinator Ambassadors

led by Ms. Kasey Bozeman, Extension Specialist for 4-H Science and Environmental Education 

New this year!  Twenty-six youth were selected as Pollinator Ambassadors. These Ambassadors will share about the importance of pollination, pollinating insects, pollinating gardens and the connection of pollinating to our food supply.

[one_third]Allie Alexander, Jasper County
Jacob Bennett, Grady County
Pistol Burkes, Grady County
Owen Cassels, Grady County
Kelly Coles, Barrow County
Emma Cooper, Chattooga County
Jerahmy Davis, Gwinnett County
Alyssa Goldman, Madison County
Tyler Guest, Madison County
Lauren Hicks, Jasper County
Markeila Howard, Wilcox County
Kaylin Keen, Barrow County
Luke Krohn, Clarke County
Christopher Kuhbander, Ware County[/one_third]
[one_third_last]Jae Long, Grady County
Jodi Lopez, Grady County
Timothy Lord, Ben Hill County
Grace McBride, Emanuel County
Macy Morgan, Effingham County
Malik Monds, Grady County
Cheyne Norton, Grady County
Lily Norton, Grady County
Lacey Price, Quitman County
Charles Michael Smith, Grady County
John Sodrel, Grady County
Lizzy Thompson, Grady County[/one_third_last]

Ready 4 Life Ambassadors

led by Mr. Jason Estep, Extension Specialist for 4-H Leadership and Civic Engagement

New this year! Forty-two youth were selected as Ready 4 Life Ambassadors. These Ambassadors will share the basics of professionalism, resume preparation, making positive first impressions, basic interactions with local government, manners, entrepreneurship and more.

[one_third]Callie Armour, White County
Jhaycee Barnes, Spalding County
Emily Brooke-Powell, Paulding
Makayla Coomer, Floyd County
Lucy Crawford, Athens-Clarke County
Avery Cross, Catoosa County
Kylie Dallas, Glynn County
Skylar Dato, Lee County
Sammy David, Athens-Clarke County
Amiyah Elam, Ware County
Trent Floyd, Sumter County
Kirsten Hayes, Dougherty County
Braylen Howell, Baldwin County
Isabella Jones, White County
Jaylee Kilgo, Bartow County
Aniston Hanley, Hart County
Sarah Isaac, Stephens County
Hannah Jones, Gordon County
Deontavius Kitchens, Stewart County
Alyssa Lunsford, Peach County[/one_third]
[one_third_last]Clare Pacella, Glynn County
Hannah McElrath, Gordon County
Nyla Nelson, Fayette County
Zabria  Roberts, Muscogee County
Allyson Runyon, Columbia County
AnnaLayne Scarboro, Emanuel County
Janya Scott, Terrell County
Jersey Scott, Johnson County
Emily Seckinger, Henry County
Samuel Shobert, White County
Davis Slate, Athens-Clarke County
Shaniya Smith, Ben Hill County
Benjamin Tanner, Walton County
Dawson Teatino, Barrow County
Bailey Tennison, Lee County
Samantha Tennison, Lee County
Lily Thomas, Putnam County
Hinano Tomlinson, Sumter County
Aquemini Trotter, Ben Hill County
Jesse Tyre, Bacon County
Parker Varnadoe, Madison County
Allie White, Johnson County
Kate Yaughn, Bulloch County [/one_third_last]




Georgia LifeSmarts Championship quizzes Georgia 4-H youth on consumer literacy skills

Seven Georgia 4-H Junior Varsity and Varsity teams competed at the 2020 Georgia LifeSmarts Championship on Feb. 17 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center.

LifeSmarts, a National Consumers League program, is celebrating over 25 years of empowering middle and high school students across the United States to develop consumer literacy skills needed to succeed in today’s marketplace.

“LifeSmarts teaches students critical thinking skills and expands their knowledge on real-world issues to prepare them for life after high school,” said Brittani Lee, Georgia 4-H County Extension Agent and Georgia LifeSmarts Co-coordinator. “The life skills that LifeSmarts students gain through the program will aid them in being well-rounded, knowledgeable and prepared adults in tomorrow’s world. Not only are they preparing for the future, but they are having fun too.”

The competition quizzes the participants on five categories: Personal Finance, Consumer Rights and Responsibilities, Technology, Health and Safety, and the Environment. The student teams, under the guidance of an adult coach, participated in an online qualifying competition series. The highest-scoring four Junior Varsity and Varsity teams were invited to compete in the state championship.

“Both our Varsity and Junior Varsity teams were very impressive at the championship this year,” said Dr.Courtney Still Brown, University of Georgia Cooperative Extension 4-H Specialist of Healthy Living Programs and Georgia LifeSmarts Co-coordinator. “It is really encouraging to see these young people understanding and explaining concepts such as budgeting, consumer rights, online safety and much more. They certainly have a head start on how to navigate the complex consumer issues that we face today.”

Varsity Teams-

First place team: Alicia Carnes, David Han, Neely McCommons, Amelia Sale and Kalani Washington
(Coach: Allison Barnes, Assistant Coach: Ryan Rose) – Oconee County Team A

Second place team: Alyssa Haag, Robie Lucas, Jack Durham Marable, Abbigail Miller and Lexi Pritchard (Coach: Allison Barnes, Assistant Coach: Ryan Rose) – Oconee County Team B

Third place team: Safeer Mithani, Savid Pugh, Steven Pugh and Aromal Saji (Coach: Pam Bloch) – Gwinnett County

Fourth place team: Columbia County

Junior Varsity Teams-

First place team: Sara Grace Abernathy, Alexis Gentry, Kendall Jones, Elan McClain and Abby Moon
(Coach: Phyllis Allee) – Floyd County

Second place team: Kenzie Brady, Allison Highsmith, Autumn Samsel and Edwin Wood (Coach: Renee Smagur) – Habersham County

Third place team: Anna Cowart, Joshua Lynch, Dawson Monroe and Tiya Patel (Coach: Stephanie Myers) – Evans County


The first place varsity team will represent Georgia in the National LifeSmarts Championship, in hopes of being the national champions in Washington, D.C.  Through to a wild card bid process, the Rockdale County team has received a bid to compete in the National Championship as well. Additional Georgia teams may also receive a wild card bid to compete at the National Championship.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 242,000 people annually through the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities. For more information, visit georgia4h.org or contact your local Extension office.


Author: Cristina deRevere, stinafig@uga.edu
Source: Courtney Still Brown, courtms@uga.edu; Brittani Lee, bkelley@uga.edu





State Pumpkin Competition

Union County 4-H’ers Excel in State Pumpkin Competition

Fall is in the air, and this wonderful time of the year is marked by the pumpkin growing competition. This year, 4-H’ers from across the state grew pumpkins in their own backyard. Every year, we are astounded by the size and quality of the pumpkins grown, and this year was certainly no exception. We received a total of 33 submissions. The winners of this contest are:




First Place:

Ava Sharp – Union County (665 lbs)






Second Place:

Kaitlyn Beckman – Union County (583 lbs)

Jessie Holbrook – Union County (583 lbs)








Third Place:

Benjamin Potts – Union County (485 lbs)



We would like to congratulate this year’s winners, along with all who participated, for their hard work this season. Huge thank you to the Georgia Fruit and Vegetable Growers Association for sponsoring this competition. If not for them, we would not be able to continue this contest as we do now.

Source(s): Blake McBride, blake.mcbride@uga.edu

National 4-H Dairy Conference

Georgia 4-H’ers Attend National 4-H Dairy Conference

On September 28th, three Georgia 4-H delegates, Mary Anna Bentley Addison Bridges (Chattooga County) and Morgan Patterson (Jasper County) boarded a plane to Madison, Wisconsin to attend the 65th Annual National 4-H Dairy Conference. The conference allows youth interested in dairy to interact with one another and build industry bridges. They also have the opportunity to learn more about careers in agriculture, attend seminars on dairy topics and interact with 4-H’ers from across the country.

Each day, they heard from multiple speakers on different aspects surrounding the dairy industry and potential careers. They had hands-on experiences, such as creating their own ice cream with the use of liquid nitrogen. The youth experimented with cheese and learned the science behind many of the existing dairy products, including learning about the effects of coagulation on the digestive system.

Participants toured area dairy farms, witnessed the usage of robotic dairy machines and learned the logistics of the daily operations on a dairy farm as well as a variety of ways to market milk.

They saw firsthand how Crave Brothers Dairy takes milk and ships it across the street to their cheese factory. During a tour of Hoards Dairy Farm and its publishing company, participants were able to practice composing, editing and publishing an article.

The youth compared and contrasted dairy with nondairy products in today’s market as well as explored their future possibilities in the agriculture industry.

Addie, Mary Anna and Morgan had the chance to spend time exploring the World Dairy Expo, where they spoke with leading researchers, technical experts and sales representatives from around the world, and view one of the best-known dairy cattle shows.

The National 4‑H Dairy Conference helped these three 4-H’ers connect, learn and engage while focusing on the impacts of agriculture in their communities and world, and how they can be involved in the future.


Source(s): Caleb Millican, 4hcaleb@uga.edu
Author: Roberta Pepper, roberta.pepper@uga.edu

Madison 4-H’ers at Great American Seafood Cook Off

Madison County 4-H Team represents Georgia 4-H at Cook Off

Madison County 4-H’ers represented Georgia 4-H in the Great American Seafood Cook Off (GASCO) on August 4, 2019. Co-Captains Tiger Rupers and Parker Varnadoe were joined by Alyssa Goldman and Kaylie Goldman. The team was  interviewed and participated in the national video, tours, restaurant dinner and participation in the contest where they highlighted Georgia Grown Products including catfish. Congratulations to the Madison County 4-H Seafood Cook Off Team and their adult leaders!

Source(s): Courtney Brown, courtms@uga.edu

Georgia 4-H Forestry Judging Team Competes Nationally

Hart County 4-H Forestry Judging Team competes at the National 4-H Forestry Invitational

Georgia was one of 13 states that competed in the 40th annual National 4-H Forestry Invitational from Sunday July 28 through Thursday August 1. Teams from Arkansas, Mississippi and Alabama placed first, second and third, respectively.  Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Louisiana, South Carolina, Tennessee, Utah, Virginia, and West Virginia also competed in this year’s Invitational.

The Georgia team members were James Turpin from Bowersville, Hailey Jones, Ben Tellano, and Adam Walters all from Hartwell.  The team coach was Ruth Daniel from Hartwell. Hailey Jones was the tenth highest scorer.

Photographed: Robert Harrison, Anna Marie Harrison, James Turpin, Ben Tellano, Hailey Jones, Adam Walters, and Ruth Daniel (Coach)

Source(s): Craven Hudson, cfhudson@uga.edu

2019 State Council Announcements

Georgia 4-H Youth, Alumni, Volunteers and Leaders Honored at State Council

More than 500 Georgia 4-H 8th-12th grade youth members gathered for the annual State 4-H Council Meeting at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center in Eatonton, Georgia. This year’s “Rooted in the Classics” theme focused on the original purpose of State Council and civic engagement. During this constitutional meeting, 4-H youth vote on proposed amendments to the 4-H constitution, elect Georgia 4-H state officers, participate in competitions and enjoy fun and games.

Serving as a Georgia 4-H state officer is one of the highest offices a 4-H youth member can hold. The delegates vote for five statewide representatives, with the top two vote-getters serving as president and vice president. After the top five are determined, the delegates vote again for representatives for their districts. The 2019-2020 state board representatives are:

Arham Shah, Emanuel County, President
Deontavious Kitchens, Stewart County, Vice President
Taylor Wells, Clinch County, State Representative
Kimberly Rios, Emanuel County, State Representative
Madison Clemente, Paulding County, State Representative
Sarah Isaac, Stephens County, Northeast District Representative
Hope Steward, Spalding County, Northwest District Representative
Ty Poole, Washington County, Southeast District Representative
Douglas Hopkins, Thomas County, Southwest District Representative

No amendments were brought forward or voted on this year. Youth participated in a variety of workshops on preparedness, democracy and high learning. Youth prepared for the hurricane season by creating emergency plans and starting their home preparedness kits under the supervision of MyPI Georgia instructors and AmeriCorps Volunteers In Service To America (VISTA) summer associates. On Saturday, 13 adult leaders graduated as certified forestry judging coaches.

The State Council meeting includes a citizenship ceremony, during which all 4-H’ers who are turning 18 take the pledge remain engaged voters throughout their lives. Randy Nuckolls led the ceremony this year.

State 4-H Leader and Director of 4-H Arch Smith honored his pledge to get “slimed” after all 159 Georgia counties participated in $4 for 4-H giving day, raising more than $35,000. Chattooga County had the most donors and Fulton County raised the most money for their county.

All 4-H’ers participated in the Iron Clover Competition. The Iron Clover Award is given to the district that excels in basketball, softball, volleyball and musical chairs tournaments and other activities. This year, new competitions were introduced including giant Jenga, extreme tic-tac-toe and the Great Canoe Race. The Northeast District won the 2019 Iron Clover for the second year in a row, excelling in ultimate Frisbee, basketball, volleyball, watermelon eating and the Great Canoe Race.

At this year’s Master Club Banquet, Smith was proud to announce that African American 4-H’ers who won state honors in project work during segregation will now be recognized as Master 4-H’ers and the Master 4-H Club has extended membership to those individuals. Several former Newton County 4-H members who won state honors at Dublin 4-H Center from 1951-1964 were recognized. Lottie Johnson, who began her career as an Extension Agent in 1955 during segregation, was named an Honorary Master 4-H Member for her service to 4-H youth from 1955 until her retirement in 1986. The University of Georgia 4-H program plans to recognize the work of the Black Extension 4-H Program during segregation with historical plaques at the site of the Dublin 4-H Center, which was closed in 1968. The banquet also recognized youth that Mastered in the past year as well.

The State and District Board of Directors and Clovers & Co. Alumni Reception, hosted by the Georgia 4-H Foundation on Saturday afternoon, honored 4-H’ers who currently serve or once served on the state or district boards as well as Clovers & Company alumni. Saturday morning, AmeriCorps VISTAs were honored at the volunteer breakfast.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 175,000 people annually through the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities. For more information, visit georgia4h.org or contact your local Extension office.

Author: Cristina deRevere, stinafig@uga.edu
Source(s): Jeffrey Burke, jburke@uga.edu

2019 State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl

Georgia 4-H youth test their dairy knowledge


Last week, 57 youth participated at the 2019 Georgia 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl supported by The Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation and Milk Check-Off on June 7, 2019 at the University of Georgia Animal and Dairy Science Complex in Athens, Ga.

Youth participating in the quiz bowl not only receive a better knowledge of dairy-related topics and learn to demonstrate that knowledge in a competitive and thought-stimulating environment, but they also receive important life skills, such as confidence, independence and compassion. They have the opportunity to strengthen their decision-making and leadership skills in an environment which allows contribution to a group effort, encouraging teamwork and collaboration with a diverse group of peers.

“Dairy Quiz Bowl is such an exciting event where our youth have the opportunity to share their wisdom of all things dairy while working as a team and as individuals,” said Dr. Jillian Bohlen, UGA Dairy Science Specialist. “I am continually amazed at the wealth of knowledge these young people possess. The 2019 contest was exciting and one of the most competitive I’ve had the pleasure of moderating.”

Two divisions of teams compete during the quiz bowl, Junior Teams and Senior Teams. Junior Teams consist of 4-8 grade youth, and Senior Teams consist of 9-12 grade youth. Each county was permitted two teams in each division.

The panel teams compete in double elimination brackets. Points are awarded to teams with correct answers after indicating with button signals. Prior to the contest, each participating county was required to submit 25 questions based on Hoard’s Dairyman or any other dairy publication, which were used to create the quiz bowl trivia questions.

All participants received an award card and pin. A team plaque and will be presented to the top three placing Senior and Junior Teams. The winning Senior team will represent Georgia at the North American Invitational 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Conest in November 2019, in Louisville, KY.

Coweta County Senior Quiz Bowl Team A
Coweta County Senior Quiz Bowl Team A

Results from the Senior Competition: First place team went to Coweta County-Team A with team members: Kitty Yeager, Madison Dyar, Nicole Hillebrand and Jennifer Brinton. Second place team was Tift County with team members: Lydia Connell, Jordan Daniels, Seth Jones, Dana Wells and Amare Woods. Third place team was awarded to Coweta County-Team B with team members: Alex Hillebrand, Michael Whitlock, Bella Fisk and Katie Nolan.



Results from the Junior Competition: First place team went to Burke County with team members: Emmaline Cunningham, Tony Gray, Abby Joyner, Alaina Olson and Holt Sapp. Second place team was Coweta County Team A with team members: Benton Burnett, Emmeline Burnett, Lila Jane Burnett and Colton Swartz. Third place team was awarded to Oconee County with team members: Alyssa Haag, Campbell Patterson, Thomas Stewart, Clara Wilkes and McCall Woodruff.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 175,000 people annually through the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities. For more information, visit georgia4h.org or contact your local Extension office.

Author: Cristina deRevere, stinafig@uga.edu
Source(s): Heather Schultz, hkalino@uga.edu


2019 Georgia 4-H State Council

Hundreds of Georgia youth will focus on civic engagement at annual meeting


Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become productive and contributing members of society by providing life and leadership skills, encouraging civic engagement. On June 21-23, 2019, hundreds of Georgia 4-H 8th-12th grade youth members will meet at the Rock Eagle 4-H Center for the annual State 4-H Council Meeting. This year’s theme is “Rooted in the Classics,” focusing on the original purpose of State Council and civic engagement. This is the constitutional meeting of the Georgia 4-H Council, where 4-H youth vote on proposed amendments to the 4-H constitution and elect Georgia 4-H State Officers.

“Serving as a page for the United States Senate has helped me to witness the democratic process firsthand,” said George Moore, State 4-H Representative from Stephens County. “It is imperative that young people take part in the process. That’s why, every year, State Council offers a citizenship ceremony, in which all 4-H’ers who are turning eighteen, take the pledge remain engaged voters throughout their lives.”

Some 4-H’ers will also be participating in Dean’s Awards and State Congress Food Labs and Performing Arts categories. However, it’s not all business. The Iron Clover Award is given to the district that excels in basketball, softball, volleyball, musical chairs tournaments and so much more. This year, there will be new competitions, including Giant Jenga, Extreme Tic-Tac-Toe and the Great Canoe Race. There will also be performances from Clovers & Co. and evening dances. The meeting will end with a pool and dance party to celebrate a successful weekend.

Also, State 4-H Leader and Director of 4-H Arch Smith will be getting slimed as a result of the $4 for 4-H giving day receiving full 159 Georgia county participation and raising over $35,000. If 850 Georgia 4-H delegates attend the State Council meeting full-time, the entire State Board of Directors will be pied. To see a special message from the State Board about this year’s State Council meeting, visit https://youtu.be/SqMDr10K3N8.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 175,000 people annually through the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities. For more information, visit georgia4h.org or contact your local Extension office.

Author: Cristina deRevere, stinafig@uga.edu
Source(s): Jeffrey Burke, jburke@uga.edu


National Healthy Living Summit 2019

Georgia 4-H youth participate in national healthy living summit

Georgia 4-H representatives attended the National Youth Summit on Healthy Living hosted by the National 4-H Council on Feb. 15-18, 2019, at the National 4-H Conference Center in Washington, DC.

The National 4-H Council and National 4-H Conference Center partnered with professionals in family consumer sciences and healthy living to address nutrition education, physical fitness, wellness and emotional wellbeing for high school students.

“Being part of the National Youth Summit on Healthy Living was a fantastic experience for our Georgia team,” said Courtney Brown, University of Georgia Extension 4-H Specialist of Healthy Living Programs. “I was impressed before the summit by how these young people are working to help their communities become healthier. Attending the summit gave them the chance to meet other youth with similar interests, be inspired by leaders in several health-related fields, and learn new information, skills and strategies that they can take back to Georgia and share.”

The 4-H’ers participated in hands-on workshops, service projects and health breaks, as well as a guided nighttime tour of the monuments and memorials in Washington, DC. During the summit, the Georgia team created an action plan with the goal of helping their community become healthier.

Brown and Elyse Daniel, Educational Program Specialist, lead two workshops, “Food Bank Recipe Contest: Addressing childhood obesity and hunger through a 4-H contest” and “The Community Food Experience: A hunger/poverty simulation.” Georgia youth assisted in leading both of these workshops.

The six students that attended were selected via an application process from Georgia 4-H Healthy Living Ambassadors and Healthy Rocks Actions Leaders: Carlissa Stewart and Caroline Lord, Ben Hill County; Kaleigh Jordan, Johnson County; Kennedy Deveaux and Kayla Faulks, Cobb County; and Tianna Ramey, Habersham County. Two collegiate Georgia 4-H members also participated in the summit. Sophia Rodriguez, 2018 Youth in Action Healthy Living Pillar Award winner, was featured as a speaker and also led workshops on her “Tie Dye for Troops” program. Angel Austin served as a collegiate facilitator for the event and was involved in the planning and leadership.

“I made numerous new friends from different states and even some from my own state,” said Kaleigh Jordan, a senior from Johnson County. “I learned a lot of new and fascinating information about different aspects of healthy living, including the dangers of Juul’s and vapes, adolescent mental illnesses and ways to help spread awareness about some of them, and creative activities to inform younger children of these illnesses and inform them that ‘it’s okay to not be okay.’”

For more information on Georgia 4-H and the Healthy Living Program, visit https://georgia4h.org.

Author: Cristina deRevere, stinafig@uga.edu
Source(s): Courtney Brown, courtms@uga.edu; Elyse Daniel, elyse.daniel@uga.edu