4-H Internship – UGA Washington Semester Program


Georgia 4-H is pleased to host an intern in Senator Warnock’s office in Washington DC for the Fall 2025. 

All applicants must meet the minimum criteria for the UGA Washington Semester program (https://dcsemester.uga.edu/application/eligibility/) and be willing to represent Georgia 4-H.

The successful candidate will be provided housing in Delta Hall (expenses covered) and receive an hourly rate of pay for hours worked.  Other expenses will be the responsibility of the intern.

Interested applicants should submit a cover letter and resume to Stephanie Slate (stephanie.slate@uga.edu) no later than Monday, March 24.   Interviews will be scheduled following a screening process.

History of the 4-H Washington, D.C. Intern Program

For decades, collegiate 4-H’ers from across the state of Georgia have served as interns in various capacities with Congressional leaders in our nation’s capital. In 1960, State 4-H Leader Tommy Walton worked with Senator Richard Russell to establish an intern program for Georgia 4-H’ers to have an experiential learning opportunity specializing in civic engagement. While in D.C., students get to experience the inner workings of the federal government, increase their knowledge and understanding of the legislative process, expand their network of leaders and career contacts, refine their leadership and communication skills, and represent Georgia 4-H in a national setting. Many alumni of the 4-H Intern Program go on to be leaders in various fields which serves as a testament to the program’s impact on participants.

We would like to recognize and thank the Richard B. Russell Foundation for their support of this endeavor and for their assistance in funding this once-in-a-lifetime learning experience for collegiate Georgia 4-H’ers.

Previous 4-H Washington, D.C. Interns

Senator Richard Russell (1960-1969)
Don Johnson, Jerry Payne, Proctor Jones, Daniel Minchew, Tom Cofer, Norman Underwood, Albert Wall, Bob Rushton, Buddy Darden, Mell Wells, Ray Stephens, Bill Warren, Barry Mansell, Tom Brodnax, Barney Durrence, Rodney Vickers, David Roper, Jerry Griffin, Robert Dixon, Troy Riberon, Otis Turner, Ricky Wilson, Frank Stancil Jr., Charles Thomas, Paul Wood Jr., Eddie Pullen, Kenneth Luke, Ken Carlton, Wayne Buffington
Senator Herman Talmadge (1972-1980)
Clem Anthony, Don Massey, Alex Booth, Steve Cash, Dave Lee, Steve Dykes, Lynwood Hall, Bo Ryles, Phillip Coleman, Becky Tolbert, Sue Parker, Bob Pinckney, Ronnie Owings, Chris Cleveland, Jeffrey Stewart, Russell Sills
Senator Sam Nunn (1977-1995)
Wayne Reece, Jay Holliman, Ann Patterson, Deborah McGiffin, Lori Muggridge, Judy Blackwell, Jerome Harkness, Charles Hall, Virginia Pittman, Nexsa Deal, Michelle Hicks, Kurt Preston, Carla Gillespie, Joe Chapple, Randall Morris, Margaret Fowke, Darline Vollenweidder, Diane Vaughan, John Barrett, Alice Yurke, Sara Haddow, Tammy Tyre, Laural Moseley, Anne Sapp, Kenneth Jones, John Register, Jody Corry, Dell Mason, Jeff Jackson, John Pope, Murray Weed, Vickie Knight, Russell Willis, David Dekle, Wendy McHale, Stacey Copeland, Allison Bowman, William Gentry, Michele Ellington, Michael Barry, Christa Holmes, Brett Blitch, Kimberly Chadwell, Michael Morris, Kerry Keith, Glenn Grant, Joy Carlson, Currey Cook, Stacy Jones, Mark Dzikowski, Tonya Woody, Sarah Pierson, Alison Sapp, Norbert Wilson, Victoria Scarborough, Amy Schantz, Lori Casey, April Henley, Kristen Perrett, Austin Aldridge, Julie McIlwain, Marcia Haymans, April Crow, Ben Green, Steven Jarrell, Kersha Cartwright, Stewart Thigpen, Chris Coley
Congressman Nathan Deal (2001-2004)
Brandon Clark, Rebecca Willingham, Kari Cope, Mary Beth Hobby, Julie Ditmore, Leigh Varnadoe, Keauna Gregory, Stefanie Costello, Candace Clark
Congressman John Barrow (2007)
Steven Dasher
Senator Saxby Chambliss (2007-2009)
Jenna Knight, Matthew Christopher, Hutch McCollum
Senator Johnny Isakson (2016-2018)
Sara Rowe, Aubrey Fowler, Timothy Dickinson
Senator Kelly Loeffler (2020)
Sophia Rodriguez
Senator Raphael Warnock (2024)
Georgia Simmons


Celebrating Leadership: Georgia 4-H Day at the Capitol

Leadership came to life for the largest-ever Georgia 4-H Day at the Capitol delegation in Atlanta as 4-H’ers engaged with the civic process. Elected officials joined nearly 800 youth, staff, volunteers, and supporters on Feb. 25 to celebrate the impact of 4-H in Georgia.

State Sen. Larry Walker and Georgia Rep. Rick Jasperse served as legislative hosts for the 4-H delegation. County 4-H groups explored and toured the Capitol building, and many 4-H leaders arranged direct meetings with senators and representatives from their districts.

Georgia’s current slate of elected officials includes many 4-H alumni, parents and supporters who welcomed students to the place where government comes to life.

Promoting civic engagement and leadership

Georgia 4-H, a program of University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, promotes civic engagement and leadership among its top focus areas. 4-H’ers find support through opportunities including 4-H Day at the Capitol, in-school programming, after-school activities, project work and camps. These activities empower 4-H’ers to become engaged citizens and develop life skills, positive relationships and community awareness.

Georgia 4-H Day at the Capitol culminated with a luncheon in the Georgia Freight Depot that celebrated 4-H and expressed appreciation to lawmakers and supporters. Sen. Walker encouraged 4-H’ers to become the next generation of leaders, while Rep. Jasperse acknowledged a group of 4-H honorees who have received state and national recognition for accomplishments over the past year.

Rep. Jasperse earned a bachelor’s degree in food science from UGA’s College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences in 1979 and returned to earn a master’s degree in agricultural leadership in 2003. Sen. Walker earned a bachelor’s degree in business from UGA in 1987.

‘Step into the future with confidence’

Georgia 4-H President Kingston Ryals addressed those in attendance on behalf of 193,500 4-H’ers currently enrolled in Georgia 4-H. “Georgia 4-H prepares us to be leaders, problem solvers and changemakers,” Ryals said. “This organization equips us with the skills to step into the future with confidence. We are not just ready — we are beyond ready.”

Interim Associate Dean for Extension Arch Smith and State 4-H Leader Melanie Biersmith thanked legislators and recognized the importance of 4-H for youth in Georgia.

Support for the event was provided through a partnership between Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation and the Georgia 4-H Foundation. Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation invests in Georgia 4-H’ers by providing support for transportation, logistics and lunch during 4-H Day at the Capitol. The event, which is often the first visit to Atlanta for many students, makes an indelible mark on those who attend. Youth are empowered to become leaders of the future when they are given the opportunity to engage with present leaders.

As the premier youth leadership organization in the state, Georgia 4-H reaches hundreds of thousands of people annually through UGA Extension offices and 4-H facilities. For more information about how to get involved with 4-H in your community, contact your local UGA Extension office or visit georgia4h.org.

Georgia 4-H Ag Tech Program Gains New Ground with Sixteen Counties Participating

Georgia 4-H held its annual 4-H Ag Tech training in Tifton Sep. 10-11, with over 16 county teams participating. High school 4-H’ers work alongside their county 4-H and Agricultural and Natural Resources agents to bridge technology gaps in the agriculture community.

The 2024-2025 cycle represents the third year of the program, and it continues to grow and gain ground across the state. Participants observe new agricultural technology advancements hands-on and learn about their use in a supportive environment.

County teams represent all four UGA Extension districts and include Ben Hill, Bibb, Burke, Cobb, Coffee, Coweta, Decatur, Effingham, Emanuel, Houston, Madison, Mitchell, Peach, Pulaski, Toombs, and Worth counties. The program started with 25 4-H’ers at its launch and has grown to over 70 participants and in just two years.

The two-day training empowers youth to provide hands-on and impactful technology demonstrations to farmers, landowners, and other youth in their areas. County teams are trained on agriculture technology topics including drones, soil sampling, soil moisture sensors, GPS guidance aids, and digital pest and weed identification.

The new program year expanded programming to include natural resource management topics including drone usage in prescribed burns, invasive species management, and wildlife trail camera analysis. “We are excited to continue to update our topics to include new areas in order to appeal to larger landowner audiences,” said Katie Bowker, program coordinator for 4-H Ag Tech. “We are also looking to grow into more urban agriculture topics to widen our impact!”

At the training, youth are given the opportunity to learn directly from University of Georgia precision agriculture specialists in an academic setting. UGA Tifton specialists worked in partnership with Abraham Baldwin Agricultural College and their new Agricultural Technology building to host the event. Programming included a college tour for the youth attendees to connect their learning with college degrees and future career paths.

During the past two years of programming, 4-H Ag Tech county teams have held over 75 individual outreach events and reached a combined total of over 3,450 adults and 3,800 youth participants. These youth leaders have held presentations at workshops, festivals, production meetings, growers’ meetings, association meetings and at local schools.

Many UGA faculty, staff and graduate students from Athens and Tifton have contributed to the training and implementation of 4-H Ag Tech this year including Kasey Bozeman, Wes Porter, Cody Mathis, Luke Fuhrer, Daniel Lyon, Phillip Edwards, Daniel Jackson, and Rebekah Wallace.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships, and community awareness. As the premier youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches hundreds of thousands of people annually through University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

Written by Katie Bowker

Georgia’s National 4-H Celebration recognizes outstanding youth leadership Oct. 6-12

Georgia 4-H is celebrating National 4-H Week and highlighting youth excellence and leadership October 6-12.

University of Georgia Cooperative Extension reaches young people from all backgrounds and communities. As the premier youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H engages hundreds of thousands of students each year, typically in fourth through 12th grades.

“Beyond Ready” is the 2024 National 4-H Week Theme. Current 4-H’ers will join alumni, parents, faculty, staff, volunteers, and supporters in sharing how 4-H has prepared them to be engaged members of their families and communities.

Young people will play a key role in creating a more promising future. Georgia 4-H helps members find their spark and discover belonging, empowering youth to thrive and develop life skills through high-quality programming.

Leadership is a focal point of the 4-H positive youth development model. Elected by their peers, the Georgia 4-H State Board of Directors provides student leadership to the organization. The 2024-2025 Board is led by Kingston Ryals, President, an 11th grade 4-H’er from Toombs County. He is assisted by Vice President Mia Burnett of Mitchell County, State Representative Esteban Contreras of Pulaski County, State Representative Kaleb Green of Dooly County, State Representative Agatha Grimes of Candler County, Northeast District Representative Carolyn Thomas of Putnam County, Northwest District Representative William Parrish of Gordon County, Southeast District Representative Yasmin Rios of Emanuel County, and Southwest District Representative Nandini Patel of Ben Hill County.

Georgia 4-H has roots in agriculture, originating with the 1905 Newton County Corn Club for Boys. The program now has additional branches in science, technology, healthy living and civic engagement, attracting students from all areas of interest and engaging youth from the most urban to the most rural areas. A four-leaf clover is the official emblem of 4-H; the “H” in each leaf of the 4-H clover emblem represents head, heart, hands, and health.

Students perform community service, conduct research, compile portfolios of their accomplishments and learn public speaking skills through oral presentations during 4-H Project Achievement. Additional 4-H programming includes livestock projects, judging teams, ambassador programs, performing arts, safe and healthy cooking, Project S.A.F.E., and countless other opportunities for learning and growth.

Summer camp provides life-changing experiences for thousands of Georgia youth every year. Georgia 4-H also offers a robust environmental education program at each of the 4-H centers, providing school groups residential and day-learning opportunities that are aligned with current state educational standards.

“We celebrate the great work of 4-H every week, but it’s particularly special to highlight our impacts during National 4-H Week,” said Melanie Biersmith, Georgia 4-H state leader. “The 4-H leaders, including faculty, staff and volunteers across Georgia, are creating and producing experiences and opportunities for youth to thrive.”

Georgia 4-H expands horizons for its members and encourages them to be productive citizens in the world around them. National 4-H Week is a collective opportunity to recognize all the ways that 4-H’ers are living out the organizational motto “to make the best better.”

For more information about how to join, volunteer or support Georgia 4-H, contact your local University of Georgia Cooperative Extension office or visit georgia4h.org.

State Congress 2024 celebrated outstanding youth and their supporters

Accomplished 4-H youth and adults who empower them gathered at the 81st Georgia 4-H State Congress in Atlanta July 23-26. State Congress, a week-long event for top 4-H’ers at the Crowne Plaza Ravinia, includes the state-level Project Achievement and Leadership in Action contests. The event also recognizes youth development professionals and community supporters for their contributions to the success of 4-H in Georgia.

Jay W. Morgan, Patrick E. Willis, Laura Mirarchi, and UGA’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources all received prestigious awards as champions of youth development programming.

More than 200 youth delegates competed in 50 Project Achievement areas and eight youth delegates competed in the Leadership in Action contest during State Congress. Fifty high-scoring individuals – one from each project area – and two Leadership in Action finalists received Master 4-H’er status. Special event Master 4-H’ers from the 2023-24 program year were also recognized at State Congress.

Project Achievement is a core Georgia 4-H program element, empowering young people with leadership, creativity, public speaking, and record keeping skills that will last a lifetime. At the high school level, students choose a project of interest from a list of areas that include agriculture, human development, performing arts, communication, engineering, and workforce preparation. They subsequently research the topic, create and deliver a detailed presentation, and participate in related community service and civic engagement activities. State Congress competition includes individual interviews with qualified professionals who engage with 4-H’ers about their project work.

To view a complete list of State Congress Project Achievement participants, visit this link.

The Leadership in Action competition calls for 4-H’ers to identify a community need and work to meet that need by planning and implementing original projects and initiatives. Competitors then prepare an application packet and participate in interviews at the district level. The 2024 Leadership in Action winners are Lauren Coley from Bleckley County and Sophia Scott from Pickens County.

Coley founded a youth organization called S.P.A.R.K. to address the absence of youth mental health support in her community. More than 20 student speakers presented on various mental health topics, empowering teens to express themselves and connect with others. Scott responded to the mental health crisis among farmers in Pickens County and other rural areas by launching the “Stronger 2gether” project, organizing Farmer Appreciation Days and establishing the Farmer Appreciation Board (FAB). Her efforts reached over 6,000 community members.

Other finalists were Aubrianna Stewart from Bryan County, Coleman Mangham from Tift County, Lilly Lanier from Mitchell County, Tyson Mathis from Oconee County, William Parish from Gordon County, and Winta Ykeallo from Spalding County.

Mirarchi, Troup County Extension Coordinator and 4-H Agent, received the Ryles Rising Star Award. This award recognizes an outstanding 4-H staff member in the first five years of their employment for significant contributions to the success of 4-H. Mirarchi began her 4-H career in 2020 and immediately began navigating the challenges of developing successful youth programming during a global pandemic. She has worked diligently to create impactful relationships with Troup County school administrators, and saw a 100% increase in 4-H participation in 2023. During her short tenure, over 800 youth have experienced hands-on learning opportunities in leadership, healthy living, civic engagement, and agriculture and natural resource-based areas.

Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources received the Friend of 4-H Award. The Friend of 4-H Award is presented annually to individuals and organizations that demonstrate outstanding and exemplary contributions to the Georgia 4-H vision and mission. The faculty and staff of Warnell have been instrumental in educating 4-H youth in the areas of conservation and environmental education for more than 30 years. Their specialists orchestrate the 4-H Forestry Field Day and Wildlife judging contests, facilitate coach certifications for adult leaders, host students for visits to campus labs, and co-administer the newly established 4-H Natural Resources Exploration Camp. They play a pivotal role in ensuring that forestry, wildlife, and natural resources initiatives are well-designed, scientifically accurate and aligned with best practices in environmental education. Dr. Nick Fuhrman, Associate Dean for Outreach, accepted this award on behalf of Warnell during State Congress. This award is presented in conjunction with the Georgia Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals.

Morgan received the 4-H Green Jacket Award, awarded to individuals who have shown outstanding, significant, and ongoing statewide support to 4-H. He grew up as a Talbot County 4-H’er and experienced life-changing leadership opportunities as a district officer and a summer camp counselor at Rock Eagle 4-H Center. He founded the J.L. Morgan Company in 1997 and has spent a successful career as a public affairs and issues management consultant. For more than 40 years, he has provided unwavering support to Georgia 4-H by serving as a trustee on the Georgia 4-H Foundation Board, a two-time Board chairman, an active volunteer and an advocate for positive youth development. Morgan is committed to the mission of Georgia 4-H and the spirit of the Green Jacket award, graciously sponsored by the Georgia Electric Membership Corporation.

Willis, Berrien County Extension Coordinator and 4-H Agent, received the William H. Booth Award at the 4-H Annual Banquet. This award recognizes 4-H Extension agents for outstanding career achievements and strong commitment to community support. Throughout his 26-year career, Willis has garnered numerous accolades and awards on the national, state, and district levels, including the prestigious National Excellence in Peer Professional Development and the GAE4-HA Professional Achievement Award. He has coached nine 4-H youth to achieve Master status in the State 4-H Congress experience and has supported 22 4-H youth in their campaign, election, and year of service as a state or district 4-H officer. Modeling for the youth he leads, Willis is committed to local collaborative efforts that serve his community.

The William H. Booth Award is presented in conjunction with the Georgia Association of Extension 4-H Youth Development Professionals and the Georgia Electric Membership Corporation. Additional William H. Booth Award finalists include Lauren Boykin from Bulloch County, Wanda McLocklin from Barrow County, and Dinah Rowe from Heard County.

Leaders in the camping program and 4-H center leadership also received recognition during State Congress. The 2024-2025 Georgia 4-H Board of Directors were inducted into their positions of leadership, and the 2023-2024 Board of Directors were honored for their year of service.

State Congress is made possible by generous contributions from organizations that support positive youth development in Georgia. Major sponsors include Georgia’s EMCs, Georgia Power, Georgia 4-H Foundation, and the Georgia Master 4-H Club. Georgia 4-H Foundation Pillar and Presenting sponsors include Harley Langdale Jr. Foundation, Inc., Premium Peanut, Kelly Loeffler, META, and Chemours.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships, and community awareness. As the premier youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than hundreds of thousands of people annually through UGA Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

For more information about Georgia 4-H, contact your local University of Georgia County Extension Office or visit www.georgia4h.org.

2024 State 4-H .22 Silhouette Contest on March 23

The 2024 State 4-H 22 Silhouette Match on Saturday March 23 at Rock Eagle 4-H Center was a great event for all participants and coaches! Attendance rose 37% from last year’s program, with 67 4-H’ers from 10 counties across the state participating in morning and afternoon relays. Relay 1’s junior winners were Haley Zigan from Stephens County (1st), Jeannie Lane from Stephens County (2nd), and Hannah Henderson from Colquitt County (3rd). Relay 1’s senior winners were Bethany Shirley from Walton County (1st), Lucy Evans from Bartow County (2nd), and Noah Henderson from Colquitt County (3rd). Relay 2’s junior winners were Isabel Jones from Coweta County (1st), Walter McWaters (2nd), and Logan Conner from Wilcox County (3rd). Relay 2’s senior winners were Drake Hill from Jackson County (1st), Wes Mims from Colquitt County (2nd), and Judson Terry from Wilcox County (3rd). All of these successes would not be possible without the parents and coaches supporting and training these athletes, as well as the Rock Eagle staff who prepared the range and facilities for the event. Special thanks to Doug and Teresa Loftis for all their help in set up, scoring, and serving as Range Officers. They have been involved as 4-H volunteers in Colquitt County for 25 years! Their service as Range Officers for 22 Silhouette and the State 22 Rimfire Match for numerous years has been invaluable to Georgia 4-H.

-Lily Thomas

4-H’ers see leadership in action during Georgia 4-H Day at the Capitol

The gold dome of the Georgia Capitol was complemented with shades of green on Feb. 14 as 4-H youth and adult leaders joined elected officials for the largest Georgia 4-H Day at the Capitol on record.

With nearly 700 in attendance, outstanding 4-H’ers from counties across the state gathered to engage with legislators, observe leadership in action and learn about the civic process.

Civic engagement is one of three focus areas that Georgia 4-H teaches youth through in-school programming, after-school activities, project work and camps. A special partnership with Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation and the Georgia 4-H Foundation makes it possible for hundreds of Georgia 4-H’ers to “learn by doing” with the annual visit to the state Capitol to experience the civic process in real time.

District 20 Sen. Larry Walker and District 11 state Rep. Rick Jasperse hosted the 4-H delegation and Georgia 4-H President Thomas Holt addressed attendees on behalf of 173,500 students currently enrolled in Georgia 4-H. “This organization provides life-changing experiences for every 4-H’er,” Holt said. “This is all made possible by support from our elected officials and every stakeholder in the Georgia 4-H family.”

Empowering future civic leaders

County groups spent the morning exploring the Capitol building through tours and a scavenger hunt. Numerous 4-H agents arranged meetings with senators and representatives from their own districts, allowing 4-H’ers to ask questions and learn from their representatives in the Georgia legislature.

Georgia’s current slate of elected officials contains many 4-H alumni, parents and supporters who were thrilled to welcome students to the building where government comes to life.

The day concluded with a luncheon for students and legislators to celebrate the influence of Georgia 4-H. Rep. Jasperse encouraged 4-H’ers to become the next generation of leaders and Sen. Walker acknowledged 4-H honorees who have received state and national recognition for accomplishments over the past year.

Other speakers included Spalding County 4-H’er Winta Ykeallo, who shared the influence 4-H has had on her life; U.S. Department of Agriculture Senior Staff to the Secretary on Cooperative Extension Tyler Tucker; University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences Dean and Director Nick T. Place, and CAES Associate Dean for Extension Laura Perry Johnson.

Gulfstream Aerospace Corporation invests in Georgia 4-H’ers by providing support for transportation, logistics and lunch during 4-H Day at the Capitol. The event, which is often the first visit to Atlanta for many students, makes an indelible mark on those who attend. Youth are empowered to become leaders of the future when they are given the opportunity to engage with present leaders.

Georgia 4-H enables youth to develop necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the premiere youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches hundreds of thousands of people annually through UGA Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

For more information about how to get involved with 4-H in your community, contact your local UGA Extension office or visit georgia4h.org.

Georgia counties mark five years of wellness collaboration with UGA Extension

Three Georgia counties are healthier and happier thanks to five years of collaboration with University of Georgia Cooperative Extension to expand access to health and wellness programming through the Well Connected Communities (WCC) initiative. The initiative helps build diverse, multi-generational, cross-sector coalitions that can recognize and address systemic health inequities by intentionally forging connections, building capacity and taking action in these communities and across the Extension network.

The program, which is facilitated by UGA Extension in partnership with the National 4-H Council and with funding from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, awarded grants in 2018 to Washington, Colquitt, and Calhoun counties to establish programming for residents through collaboration with local schools, organizations, government entities, youth and adults over the five-year grant period.

A foundational component of every WCC county plan, health coalitions in each county work together to assess and address challenges and needs specifically focused on health and wellness through Georgia 4-H and community programming. UGA Extension faculty and staff support the initiative by facilitating stakeholder efforts and helping to turn goals into reality.

Supporting community mental health needs

Since Washington County formed its coalition in 2018, people of all ages, vocations and backgrounds have worked together on WCC initiatives centered around mental health after the health coalition, with help from the UGA School of Pharmacy, identified mental health as a central issue for both youth and adults.

“The group was passionate about erasing the stigma surrounding mental health challenges and bringing this important issue to the forefront of the conversation,” said Georgeanne Cook, Family and Consumer Sciences Extension agent for Washington County. In May 2023, years of grassroots efforts culminated in a Mental Health Youth Summit at Washington County Middle School. The summit, in partnership with Mercer University, reached every eighth grader at the school, covering topics including anger management, anxiety, depression, suicide prevention and conflict resolution.

Washington County 4-H Agent Cindy Sheram worked with Cook to train volunteers to assist with the outreach programs. “Our partners all across the community make this work so successful,” Sheram said. “It is exciting that the volunteers chose mental health. Youth can understand that there is no stigma in asking for help.”

In addition to reaching youth, Washington County partners with the Family Connections organization to provide services for incarcerated adults through the Residential Substance Abuse Treatment program to empower those in the criminal justice system with mental health coping strategies.

In Colquitt County, the youth component of their coalition, called the “Teen Board,” chose to focus on supporting at-risk youth, especially those impacted by the foster care system. A recent project, Carnival for Care, provided a day of fun for children in foster care and their families. The carnival included resources and activities to support overall wellness for participants. Another program, called the Delightful Duffels initiative, provided brand-new luggage to youth in foster care.

In Colquitt County, 4-H Agent Valerie Bennett and Family and Consumer Sciences Agent Suzanne Williams lauded the benefits of WCC programming. “The grant projects have been instrumental in helping Valerie and I make connections and contacts in the community,” Williams said. “The needs assessment also helps guide our programming across the board.”

Partners for WCC in Colquitt County include local churches, foster care coalitions, the Department of Family and Child Services, Healthy Colquitt and UGA’s Archway Partnership. Archway also supports WCC in Washington County, as their mission dovetails with the statewide goal of improving lives for Georgians throughout the state.

Promoting physical health and social wellness

Nutrition, physical activity, tobacco prevention and social wellness were the critical needs identified in the Calhoun County needs assessment. The Healthier Together Calhoun coalition has undertaken high-impact projects including creating a wellness podcast and farmers market promotions and organizing regular community health fairs.

Calhoun 4-H Agent Shanda Ashley and Agriculture and Natural Resources Agent Luke Crosson are proud of the WCC successes in Calhoun County, including a recent program called Fruit on the Field, which provides fresh fruit to fans as part of a plan to offer healthier choices at the concession stand during sporting events.

“The community has a greater awareness of health because of this project,” Crosson said. “Kids are taking action and checking on each other. They really bonded at the True Leaders in Equity Institute last year.”

The True Leaders in Equity Institute is a National 4-H Council event for youth involved with WCC health coalitions that includes a weeklong conference in Washington, D.C., where youth develop skills and competencies in equity leadership and make connections to people, organizations and tools that can be helpful for their projects.

Since Georgia’s grant cycle began in 2018, Washington, Colquitt, and Calhoun counties have improved thousands of lives through the work of youth and adults united in the goal of improving community wellbeing. “The youth have a voice,” Cook said. “They see the importance of this work and they invite their friends.”

While the grant cycle ended in 2023, each county has plans to continue many of its initiatives.

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the premier youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches hundreds of thousands of people annually through UGA Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

Georgia 4-H offers new Natural Resources Exploration Camp

A dozen 4-H’ers from around Georgia were the first explorers to experience Georgia 4-H’s newest summer program — Natural Resources Exploration Camp — to learn about wildlife, forestry, fisheries and other natural resources from University of Georgia faculty.

Hosted in conjunction with UGA’s Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources, the Natural Resources Exploration Camp offered participants a glimpse into the diverse professional and educational resources UGA offers while exploring career possibilities in the forestry and natural resource field. The unique camp combined environmental education with traditional camp activities including canoeing, fishing, swimming and campfires.

Faculty and staff from Warnell designed the curriculum for the camp, which is structured to provide opportunities to learn about Georgia’s animal populations and habitats, including real-world examples and practical applications of the lessons presented. Faculty and staff including Kris Irwin, Michel Kohl, Jay Shelton, James Johnson, Nick Fuhrman, Adam Edge, Holly Campbell and Triston Hansford were crucial to the success of the camp’s pilot week.

Campers spent two days on UGA’s Athens campus performing tree and wildlife identification, using trail cameras to learn about mammals in the area, flying drones, touring deer barns and aquaculture labs, setting up leaf litter traps in streams, and attending a session on herpetology.

At Rock Eagle 4-H Center, campers dissected owl pellets, went on an owl prowl, sampled fish and macroinvertebrates through electrofishing and seining, tracked wildlife using geographic information system (GIS) technology and telemetry, and building birdhouses and bee hotels. The UGA Center for Invasive Species and Ecosystem Health, part of the UGA Tifton campus, facilitated a workshop about invasive species.

Kasey Bozeman, UGA Cooperative Extension specialist for 4-H science programs, said the partnership with UGA faculty gives campers a college-level learning experience.

“It’s inspiring that Warnell’s expert faculty and staff chose to share their knowledge and passion with the next generation of scientists,” Bozeman said. “Perhaps now more than ever, research-based youth educational programs related to our natural resources are critical to our society’s success.”

The camp, open to 4-H’ers in ninth through 12th grades, was application based and 12 youth from 10 counties were selected to attend the camp’s inaugural session. Student feedback about the camp was overwhelmingly positive, said Bozeman, adding that Georgia 4-H hopes to continue the camp during the 2024 summer season.

“The 2023 Natural Resources Exploration Camp was an outstanding experience for all involved,” said Irwin, who serves as both associate dean for outreach and Extension senior public service associate at Warnell. “The camp would not have been possible without the leadership and logistical support provided by the Georgia 4-H faculty and staff. The success of the camp was also the result of a collaborative effort between 4-H and our school’s faculty.”

Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the premier youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches hundreds of thousands of people annually through UGA Extension offices and 4-H facilities.

For more information on Natural Resource Exploration Camp and other activities, contact your local UGA Extension office or visit georgia4h.org.