All UGA Extension faculty, staff, and volunteers working with youth must be trained on their responsibilities or issues related to youth health, safety, and security. Training documentation is held through 4-H Enrollment for all individuals in the collegeFaculty and staff must complete the training annually by a date announced at the beginning of each 4-H program year. All Extension volunteers working with youth, must complete the training prior to engaging with youth in the new program year.

The required training is “Working with Youth and Managing Risks” and includes the following: 

      • Mandatory Reporting obligations, including child abuse awareness and prevention; and 
      • The University’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy and the Board of Regents Sexual Misconduct Policy.
      • Code of Conduct for Program/Activity Staff 
      • Code of Conduct for Minor participants; 
      • Reporting requirements during the program/activity, processes, and contacts; 
      • Disability accommodations and review and evaluation of special requests; 
      • Safety and security protocols; 
      • First aid guidelines and medication management 

UGA Extension personnel should offer additional orientation and training for volunteers to include specific activities, risks, and responsibilities for their volunteer role in the local 4-H program or activity, as applicable. 

      • Working with Youth and Managing Risk (RMT) 4.1 is our current mandated training and can be completed through a link generated from the local Extension Office through the 4-H Enrollment system. 
      • CPR, AED, and First Aid Training for adults and pediatrics is offered throughout the state. Please consider registering for a course near your local office.