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2019 State 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl
Georgia 4-H youth test their dairy knowledge
Last week, 57 youth participated at the 2019 Georgia 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl supported by The Georgia Dairy Youth Foundation and Milk Check-Off on June 7, 2019 at the University of Georgia Animal and Dairy Science Complex in Athens, Ga.
Youth participating in the quiz bowl not only receive a better knowledge of dairy-related topics and learn to demonstrate that knowledge in a competitive and thought-stimulating environment, but they also receive important life skills, such as confidence, independence and compassion. They have the opportunity to strengthen their decision-making and leadership skills in an environment which allows contribution to a group effort, encouraging teamwork and collaboration with a diverse group of peers.
“Dairy Quiz Bowl is such an exciting event where our youth have the opportunity to share their wisdom of all things dairy while working as a team and as individuals,” said Dr. Jillian Bohlen, UGA Dairy Science Specialist. “I am continually amazed at the wealth of knowledge these young people possess. The 2019 contest was exciting and one of the most competitive I’ve had the pleasure of moderating.”
Two divisions of teams compete during the quiz bowl, Junior Teams and Senior Teams. Junior Teams consist of 4-8 grade youth, and Senior Teams consist of 9-12 grade youth. Each county was permitted two teams in each division.
The panel teams compete in double elimination brackets. Points are awarded to teams with correct answers after indicating with button signals. Prior to the contest, each participating county was required to submit 25 questions based on Hoard’s Dairyman or any other dairy publication, which were used to create the quiz bowl trivia questions.
All participants received an award card and pin. A team plaque and will be presented to the top three placing Senior and Junior Teams. The winning Senior team will represent Georgia at the North American Invitational 4-H Dairy Quiz Bowl Conest in November 2019, in Louisville, KY.

Results from the Senior Competition: First place team went to Coweta County-Team A with team members: Kitty Yeager, Madison Dyar, Nicole Hillebrand and Jennifer Brinton. Second place team was Tift County with team members: Lydia Connell, Jordan Daniels, Seth Jones, Dana Wells and Amare Woods. Third place team was awarded to Coweta County-Team B with team members: Alex Hillebrand, Michael Whitlock, Bella Fisk and Katie Nolan.
Results from the Junior Competition: First place team went to Burke County with team members: Emmaline Cunningham, Tony Gray, Abby Joyner, Alaina Olson and Holt Sapp. Second place team was Coweta County Team A with team members: Benton Burnett, Emmeline Burnett, Lila Jane Burnett and Colton Swartz. Third place team was awarded to Oconee County with team members: Alyssa Haag, Campbell Patterson, Thomas Stewart, Clara Wilkes and McCall Woodruff.
Georgia 4-H empowers youth to become true leaders by developing necessary life skills, positive relationships and community awareness. As the largest youth leadership organization in the state, 4-H reaches more than 175,000 people annually through the University of Georgia Cooperative Extension offices and 4-H facilities. For more information, visit georgia4h.org or contact your local Extension office.
Author: Cristina deRevere, stinafig@uga.edu
Source(s): Heather Schultz, hkalino@uga.edu

The University of Georgia College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences (working cooperatively with Fort Valley State University, the U.S. Department of Agriculture, and the counties of Georgia) offers its educational programs, assistance, and materials to all people without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, disability, gender identity, sexual orientation or protected veteran status and is an Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action organization.