Volunteer Leader Resources for Chaperoning and Staying Overnight
Volunteers expand the efforts of Georgia 4-H, enabling 4-H to impact more young people. The Staying Overnight Volunteer Certification provides an opportunity for 4-H Volunteers to learn more about serving Georgia 4-H youth in overnight settings. By viewing the following modules and completing a face-to-face certification with your local Extension office, you can become ready to chaperone youth in overnight settings!
The following online video modules are approximately 15 minutes each.
Ages and Stages of Youth Development
Dr. Don Bower, UGA Extension Specialist emeritus, tells of the ages and stages of adolescent development. Explore this module in less than 15 minutes and gain an introduction to youth physical development, social and emotional development, and cognitive development. Click here for the video transcript.
Managing Behavior and Difficult Situations
As a component of the Georgia 4-H Staying Overnight Leader Certification, this module was created to assist volunteers and leaders with managing youth behavior, including difficult situations. In this module, participants will hear directly from Mrs. Mandy Marable, UGA Extension 4-H Specialist.
Serving as a Volunteer at Camp
Volunteer Service Description
Are interested in serving Georgia’s youth by attending a week (or more) of camp, but you don’t know what to expect?
To help you prepare, we have created a Volunteer Service Description for Camp as a resource for you!
Thank you for your support of Georgia 4-H’s young people!