Yancy Burkes has been a dedicated volunteer with Grady County 4-H for the past eight years. Yancy can always be counted on to step up whenever needed. He has led the S.A.F.E. Archery and S.A.F.E. Shotgun teams with expertise and enthusiasm. Yancy’s creativity and hands-on approach have left a lasting mark. Most memorably, when he volunteered to build an award-winning Christmas float for the 4-H program, bringing the vision to life. He has also devoted countless hours and resources to constructing a new skeet and trap range. In addition, Yancy is a steadfast volunteer in the barn at local hog and cattle shows, often being one of the last to leave, ensuring every task is completed. His contributions extend beyond Grady County, with district-wide assignments such as the State Council and Wilderness Challenge Camp. Loved by both the staff and 4-H’ers alike, Yancy’s impact on our program is immeasurable
Leann Holbert
Leann’s decade-long commitment to 4-H is a testament to the power of selfless service. For the past 10 years, Mrs. Leann Holbert has served the Floyd County 4-H program. Leann has served as a driver and chaperone for 4-H events, participated in more than 150 activities, and reached over 950 youth from Cloverbuds to Seniors. Her role as a driver and chaperone has been much more than a logistical necessity; it has been a source of inspiration, guidance, and support for countless young people. From the very first event, it was clear that her role would be more than just a driver or chaperone. She became a mentor, a guide, and a friend to the young people. She is always ready with a smile and a word of encouragement.
Jennie Jay
Jennie Jay’s unwavering dedication to the Ben Hill County 4-H Club exemplifies the spirit of volunteerism and leadership. As a Project S.A.F.E. coach, Jennie Jay has transformed the shooting sports program into two of the most organized projects in Ben Hill County. Under her leadership, the S.A.F.E 22 and S.A.F.E. Shotgun teams have doubled in size and developed a deep sense of discipline, responsibility, and teamwork. Alongside S.A.F.E teams, she’s a coach for the Poultry Judging team and has given leadership to the 4-H Sewing Club. Through this club, Jennie provides a creative outlet for youth to develop practical skills in sewing and design. Her approach to teaching sewing is both innovative and inclusive, catering to various skill levels and interests. She emphasizes the importance of craftsmanship, patience, and self-expression, enabling members to create personalized projects that reflect their individuality. She is committed to youth development and fostering skills that will benefit 4-H members well beyond their time in the program. Her proactive engagement with parents, community members, and local organizations has increased the network of opportunities for 4-H’ers.
Kristen Quinton
Kristen Quinton began her volunteer service in Bibb County 4-H as a member of their Program Development Team. Since then, she has served as an anchor during times of turnover, assisting new agents as they created new advisory boards. Kristen is a highly praised attorney and has utilized her knowledge and expertise to coordinate “Law Days” for 4-H’ers to explore judicial and law enforcement career pathways. Kristen started the Bibb County S.A.F.E. BB team as well as the county’s first S.A.F.E. Archery team in 2022. She visited with over 600 students at Title I schools and gave Archery presentations with the hope of building her team. Additionally, Kristen is passionate about keeping her archery program low-cost; allowing students to participate each season for just $30 which removes the financial barrier students may have. Most recently, Kristen has started leading in-school club meetings at the local Montessori school to increase 4-H membership. Bibb County 4-H is fortunate to have Kristen Quinton in their corner!
David Windham
David became a certified volunteer in 2016 when his son joined the Taylor County S.A.F.E Shotgun team. Since then, he has become the head Shotgun Coach and invests most of his time in helping Taylor County youth improve their skills. He keeps very detailed records, keeps the trailer stocked, and makes sure all 4-H’ers have what they need for the season. David also serves as a great mentor to new coaches. He has been instrumental in the success of our shotgun program and supports 4-H throughout the year. Since his start as a volunteer, the team has grown to 35 members! Volunteers like David help 4-H programs increase capacity and have a true impact in their communities. Taylor County believes that their 4-H S.A.F.E program would not be as successful and well respected if David were not leading the way.
CJ Lee
CJ Lee bleeds Georgia 4-H green! CJ grew up as an active Glynn County 4-H member and chose to give back to the local program as soon as he graduated from High School. In the past 20 years, CJ has been a devoted volunteer in the Glynn County 4-H program. He has served on the 4-H Advisory Council where he has advocated for the importance of raising funds to help send kids to 4-H Camp. Every year CJ has given up his one week of vacation leave to serve as an adult chaperone with Glynn County to 4-H camps across the state. He enthusiastically encourages campers by dressing up in costumes to increase camper spirit! He also mentors younger 4-H’ers by helping them prepare for project achievement and practice for a variety of 4-H competitions. He attends Senior 4-H after-school meetings and assists Glynn County 4-H staff wherever they need help! For the past 20 years, Glynn County has seen CJ Lee as the living epitome of the 4-H Pledge.