IT Professional Principal
Rock Eagle 4-H Center
350 Rock Eagle Road
Eatonton, GA 31024
Phone: (706) 484-2817 (M,W,F)
Phone: (706) 542-8742 (T,Th)
Fax: (706) 484-2888

Adam helps provide pc, server, network, and website
support for the State 4-H Office on UGA’s campus and
the five 4-H centers statewide.

He received his Bachelor of Business Administration
degree in Information Systems and Communications
from Georgia College and State University in 1999, and
in 2004 he received a Master of Management Information
Systems degree from Georgia College and State University.
Adam spent several years working in the IT field within the
private sector before joining Georgia 4-H in 2001, with job
responsibilities ranging from AS/400 computer operator to
network administration.

Adam enjoys spending his spare time with his family,
playing golf, watching sports, and traveling. He resides in
Madison, GA with his wife Jamison, and their son William.