The number of homeschool parents contacting us regarding programs offered at Camp Jekyll increases yearly. Parents want their children to have the same great learning experience so many other students enjoy. The Georgia 4-H EE Program welcomes homeschool groups and this article will explain how to make the most of a field study to Camp Jekyll.
The Camp Jekyll serves about 11,000 students yearly. We offer programs from grades one through college. We have provided programming for many homeschools as well as all types of public and private schools. We fill up early, esp. for late spring and early fall but our season runs from mid. Sept through late May with a short break around Christmas. We have many groups that only want January dates and personally I prefer the colder weather for teaching. Our Center can house 256 people so there will be other schools on site. Your group will have their own cabin and teaching group(s).
We treat homeschool groups like any other school group. Once you are on the books we will send a contract. Within 2 weeks of receiving a contract we ask for a $300 non-refundable deposit. You will be contacted several weeks before you visit to finalize numbers and put your schedule together. Here are some important points to help you plan your study:
- Camp Jekyll must have 20 people (adults and students) to open up a cabin, or the group must pay for 20 participants. All people attending pay for programs, meals and lodging.
- As the lead teacher we recommend getting a deposit from the other families early. Homeschools often drop numbers and there is a penalty fee if numbers drop too much. We appreciate one check from the group, not separate checks from each family. We do not accept credit cards.
- As lead teacher you will plan the classes. We aim for 14 people in a group but if you bring 18 or so folks we can have a younger and older group. They do not have to take the same classes. You may bring up to 256 folks but most homeschools are much smaller.
- We do not encourage children under five years old attending. We are outside all day and have evening activities so it makes a long day for real young children.
- Our cabins consist of two areas joined by a connecting door (think of adjoining hotel rooms). Each side of the cabin has two adult lodging rooms and one youth lodging area. The cabins have a/c and heating and each sleeping area has its own bathroom. We will provide you with enough cabin space for your males and females to have separate sleeping areas but if you wish to put families in single cabin area that is fine.
- Please check out the website to see a sample schedule. You may elect to miss the first lunch or last lunch as a group and there will be a reduction of price. We assume all other meals will be eaten by the entire group. We cannot subtract a meal for just a few people.
In speaking with many other successful homeschool participants the hardest part is getting the group together right in the beginning. If you are doing the planning try to get a commitment and deposit early. Arrange to car pool or at least have a firm arrival time so meals and classes go as planned.
Okay, it sounds like a lot of work but it is well worth it when you see your family learn and enjoy all the experiences that Jekyll has to offer. The students love riding our mini-buses and eating in the dining hall. You will love watching learning come alive in our outdoor classroom.
Please call Richard at (912) 635-4117 to plan your study.